More Publishers Confirm Not Joining E3 2023

Two more publishers leave showcase lineup.

After Ubisoft’s announcement of pulling out from its commitment to join the upcoming event, SEGA and Tencent have now officially confirmed that they will follow suit.

Recently, Ubisoft backed out from its plans to attend the upcoming physical E3 2023 event this coming June 2023 after considering on it. It seems SEGA and Tencent had plans to attend too, but now they have changed their minds as well.

“After careful consideration, we have decided not to participate in E3 2023 as an exhibitor,” Sega told IGN in a statement. “We look forward to sharing more information on announced and unannounced projects in the future.”

A Tencent spokesperson also confirmed that its publishing division Level Infinite is not joining E3 2023 too.

A few weeks ago, Nintendo and Xbox also confirmed that they will not be joining E3 this year Both revealed this announcement officially. It was reported that PlayStation will not do so too, but has not released any statements yet.

Former News Editor