Elden Ring Update 1.10 Introduces More PvP Changes and Other Fixes

After a long time, the game finally gets a new update./

Elden Ring update 1.10 is now available on all platforms introducing new fixes and changes.

Elden Ring Update 1.10 Highlights

Bandai Namco and FromSoftware have recently released Elden Ring update 1.10 which has turned off the servers online for three hours for maintenance. The new update includes PvP changes and balance adjustments.

The highlight of this new update seems to be Poise which has now increased some attacks and offers damage reduction when generated. All weapons and some spells deal more Poise damage. Critical hits get some changes, extended angles make landing a hit easier, and more.

Full Patch Notes

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments

The adjustments in this section do not affect single-player or cooperative play.

  • Increased poise damage of all weapons and some spells and incantations.
  • Increased poise when attacking with some skills, spells, incantations and some types of weapon attacks that generates poise.
  • Added damage reduction when performing attacks with some skills, spells and incantations and some types of weapon attacks that generates poise.
  • Critical hit angles have been extended.
  • Decreased the invulnerability window of the Quick Step and Hound’s Step skills.
  • Decreased the damage reduction granted by some skills, incantations and items.

General balance adjustments

  • Increased critical hit damage.
  • Decreased recovery time after a missed critical hit.
  • Increased poise damage of attacks that occur after missing a critical hit.

Bug Fixes and other changes

  • Adjusted the player damage animation so that the attack direction is not unintentionally shifted when getting hit while attacking with some types of weapons that generates poise.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some spells and incantations from causing damage while under the effect of some skills and items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the effects of the Sacred Order skill to continue after switching weapons.
  • Corrected some text in certain languages.

Elden Ring is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor