Fairgame$ is Haven Studios’ First New IP

A new take on Robin Hood.

Haven Studios officially revealed its first new IP, the competitive heist game called Fairgame$.

Fairgame$ is a competitive heist experience, a modern take on the genre. Players will be joining an underground movement to rob the ultra-rich and rebalance the scales in society. A modern-day Robin Hood.

Players will be infiltrating rich households all around the world, robbing them blind, and unravel their nefarious plans and exposing them to the world. It is for a noble cause, somewhat.

According to Creative Director Mathieu Leduc, they founded Have with the goal of making the kind of games they all love to play. They are huge fans of competitive multiplayer experiences, which bore Fairgame$. “We want to deliver a fresh multiplayer experience that rewards creativity and mastery and delivers surprising stories each and every time you play,” he said.

Fairgame$ launches on PC and PS5.

Former News Editor