Genshin Impact has no shortage of strong characters, but how powerful they are can often differ in how they’re portrayed in lore versus how they do when you’re playing as them. So there can often be a discrepancy between story and gameplay. You might be surprised that a mere prankster from Liyue can go toe-to-toe with knights that can solo a whole army and established gods in this universe that can bend time and space.
I suppose that can be understandable. If miHoYo were to make these characters’ strength lore accurate then Genshin Impact might just turn into a pay-to-win title where players have to repeatedly roll for the chance to acquire the strongest ones. And while that is technically already one of the main appeals of the game, this does give characters who aren’t on par with someone like Raiden Shogun their own uses.
If you look at Genshin Impact’s lore there is a clear hierarchy of power. Some of the playable characters are bosses themselves who give us a tough time. But when we get to play as them, they are no where near as powerful as advertised. So if you’re confused about the dynamics of who should be stronger than who, we’ve compiled this list of the top 25 strongest characters in Genshin Impact according to lore.
25 of the strongest characters in Genshin Impact
On this list, you’ll find the most powerful characters in Genshin Impact according to the game’s lore.
This list will be updated as Genshin Impact receives new characters and we learn new things about the game's lore.
We’ve listed below 25 of the strongest playable characters in the game ordered from the weakest to the most powerful. This includes their background and why they’ve earned their place here:

Chongyun is the heir to a famous exorcist clan who was born with an unusual susceptibility to Yang energy—which is both helpful and a danger to himself and others. This abundance of Yang energy allows him to easily beat most of any demons that come his way however they also make him prone to mood swings. Chongyun can undergo an unhinged state that makes him too maniacal to speak with.
This means that Chongyun has to avoid quite a bit of life’s pleasures such as eating spicy food, exposing himself to the sun, or wearing warm clothing else he loses control of himself with no memory of what happened before. Still, Chongyun’s mere presence alone drives away most ghosts thanks to his pure Yang energy.
Chongyun Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Claymore
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 4 Star

Arataki Itto
Arataki Itto is a descendant of the feared crimson oni—a lineage that caused him to be feared and ostracized by many. His loneliness led to him creating the fearsome Arataki Gang—an outlaw gang that will take anyone who was shunned and ostracized from society. Don’t let the claim that he lost 780 times fool you, beneath the goofy façade charm you into thinking he’s a harmless idiot. Itto can shatter a boulder with a single punch.
The biggest factor holding Itto back is his natural affinity for bad luck. Itto is strong enough to force the Tenryou Commission to their knees and it took Kajou Sara, the right hand woman of Raiden Shogun, to personally subdue him. If it wasn’t for his natural bad luck, who knows how strong Itto could really have been.
Arataki Itto Character Details
- Element: Geo
- Weapon: Claymore
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 5 Star

Mona is full of herself and thankfully has the talent in both astrology and magic to back it up. Although it has never been used in gameplay, she’s actually capable of teleporting others to far away distances without any preparations. Mona’s knowledge in astrology has given her the ability to discern whether or not someone is lying making her extremely useful in social situations even if she doesn’t really have any sense when it comes to money.
Her skill in magic is proven when Mona unlocks a door in Mondstadt that had a magical seal—a feat no one was able to do. She then uses this room as her new abode and magical lab.
Mona Character Details
- Element: Hydra
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

Kaeya may be one of the first people to join your party, but he isn’t weak by any means. He can be rather unimpressive when it comes to gameplay but his lore paints a different story—he is actually a spy operating for Khaenri’ah with conflicting loyalties. Considering that the only reason that Diluc even knows about that is because Kaeya told him speaks much about the man’s ability to deceive others.
As a captain of the Knights of Favonius, he is long to be considered on par with Diluc and Jean when it comes to combat abilities. He is more ruthless and pragmatic than the two however as he once triggered a Ruin Guard just to cut off his opponent—an act Jean disapproves of.
Kaeya Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 4 Star

Beidou can pull quite an intimidating figure to her opponents. She commands so much respect in Liyue that people willingly surrender their treasury to her just because she wanted it. However this isn’t because people fear Beidou—her many selfless deeds has earned her the undying love and adoration of others.
She wasn’t always the well respected captain of the Crux as her Hangout Event reveals a rather dark past behind all the swagger. She used to be homeless and desperate for food until she was taken in by a fisherman who died from sickness. The village she lived at all blamed her for his passing. Her childhood most likely is the reason for her rough demeanor and why she often clashes heads with the Qixing.
Beidou Character Details
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Claymore
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 4 Star

Gorou is the seasoned general of the Watatsumi Army who has earned much of the admiration and loyalty to his men. Despite his high rank in the Resistance, he will fight in the frontlines alongside his men. Gorou’s fierce devotion and loyalty to his cause has even earned him the respect of Kujou Sara.
Gorou can also understand Shiba Inus and seemingly dogs in general. This makes him ideal for gathering information from unsuspected sources. Amusingly enough, Gorou has an alter ego by the name of Ms. Hina who very few know the real identity of. This means that Gorou has many fans around Teyvat and does have some celebrity power courtesy of Yae Miko.
Gorou Character Details
- Element: Geo
- Weapon: Bow
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 4 Star

Kujou Sara
As the right hand woman of Raiden Shogun herself, Kujou Sara is far from chosen poorly of her position. She’s capable of subduing Itto and throwing down in any fight should the situation call for it. Being the Shogun’s right hand means that Sara also has quite the pull when it comes to politics in Inazuma.
Sara is a tengu which means that she’s capable of aerial traversal even if she uses a paraglider like any other character in the game. She once bested Kazuha’s friend in a duel in the past which caused the latter’s execution. Despite her high rank in the Shogun’s army, Sara doesn’t hesitate to fight in the frontlines.
Kujou Sara Character Details
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Bow
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 4 Star

Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayaka may be a princess but she’s far from dainty. Being a master swordswoman, she is actually very renowned across Inazuma for more than just her status. As a young child, Ayaka had to work fiercely to become worthy of her title to the point that she surpassed the fame of her brother who is the head of the Kamisato clan.
As the prominent leader of her clan, Ayaka has many people working for her and is responsible for many duties regarding the Grand Narukami Shrine as well as civilian affairs. It’s not a big stretch to say she has quite the political pull in Inazuma.
Kamisato Ayaka Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 5 Star

As the descendant of a once tyrannical family, people are understandably wary of Eula—whose family ruled the nation of Mondstadt with an iron fist in the past. This hasn’t stopped her from climbing the ranks of the Knights of Favonius and even becoming a captain. Eula once went toe-to-toe with Varkas—a revered hero and former Grandmaster of the knights—and the spar ended in a tie.
In terms of combat ability, Eula is said to be tied to Jean. And she has accomplished just as much as the current Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. But as where the people love Jean, her lineage means that Eula will be forever hated no matter how much good she does for Mondstadt.
Eula Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Claymore
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

The Traveler
As a depowered god with the ability to travel between worlds on a whim, you would think that The Traveler would rank higher on this list. However on their current predicament, they’ve lost all their powers and we can’t accurately gauge how strong they were before the game’s story began. Aether and Lumine have been significantly pushed from the power totem pole at least until they regain their powers.
Despite their current depowered predicament, The Traveler is still very much a capable fighter in the lore. No other character in the game can control more than one element. So while Aether and Lumine may rank low when it comes to gameplay preference for now, this may change in the future as they continue to gain more buffs. Should The Traveler ever get their powers back, we could potentially see them become even stronger than Raiden Shogun herself.
The Traveler Character Details
- Element: Adaptive
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: NA
- Rarity: 5 Star

Kaedehara Kazuha
Very few can hide the truth from Kaedehara Kazuha—with senses so sharp there is virtually no one who he effectively cannot find. This wandering samurai was strong enough to resist the one-hit kill move from Raiden Shogun and push her back even if only for a fraction of a second.
Kazuha’s greatest strength lie from his unusually high perceptive abilities. Even at first sight he was able to tell the accurately trace the route The Traveler took all the way to Mondstadt. Kazuha could even identify traces of Geo and Anemo energy on their person.
Kaedehara Kazuha Character Details
- Element: Anemo
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 5 Star

As acting grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, Jean is one of the strongest in Mondstadt and can certainly hold her own against entire armies. Her position also gives her some political power as she does have quite the influence on her kingdom and commands the respect of the knights.
Her combat finesse and Vision-control capabilities have earned her her place in this list. Jean is a valuable member in any team due to her healing capabilities and ability to easily earn anyone’s adoration. Even Diluc, who despises the Knights of Favonius, can’t help but favor her.
Jean Character Details
- Element: Anemo
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

From the beginning segments of the game, Diluc already charms the player through his sheer strength alone. The cutscenes certainly portray him as a beast in combat, easily dispatching foes with ruthless finesse. He used to be the former Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius and probably still would be if he didn’t step down due to his disillusionment with those in the ranks.
Diluc now controls much of the underbelly of Mondstadt. There is almost no transaction underground that goes without him knowing. This is due to his control of the city’s prevalent wine business which allows him critical information to move and act fast at his own leisure.
Diluc Character Details
- Element: Pyro
- Weapon: Claymore
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

Venti is the archon god himself, Barbatos, who is said to have dominion over the winds. Though he is considered to be the weakest of the seven archons, Venti is actually incredibly powerful even when compared to the best of this list especially since the archon gods are powerful enough to rule their own nations. The only reason Venti doesn’t stand higher is because of his depowering by Signora.
This archon seems to intentionally hold back and prefer to live a life of wandering hedonism than dedicate himself to a particular goal. This is because Venti heavily values freedom and an archon’s power is directly tied to their control over their own nation. His refusal to lead Mondstadt might explain his failures to subdue Dvalin and confront the Fatui harbingers on his nation’s doorstep. Nevertheless the people still worship Barbatos as a god.
Venti Character Details
- Element: Anemo
- Weapon: Bow
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

Keqing is the Yuheng of Liyue—a position that puts her in charge of development, livelihood, real estate, and affairs of the state. She is a workaholic who values competence over superstition and will not tolerate anyone who slacks off, especially not herself. Keqing is a gifted fighter who’s lightning fast in the battlefield allows her to decimate foes before they can so much as blink.
Her skepticism of the gods of Teyvat has done much to motivate Keqing to better herself. This woman personally oversees and solves even the most trivial of problems that many in Liyue consider her to be overworked. Still Keqing holds a lot of power both physically and politically that she can decimate any foe that preys on the people of Liyue.
Keqing Character Details
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 5 Star

It can be easy to dismiss Klee as a joke character in Genshin Impact. However according to her lore, this little girl obsessed with bombs is the main reason why Stormbearer Mountains looks more like cliffs in the present day. Klee freakin’ leveled an entire mountain. Let that sink in for a few seconds. Apparently Klee got this destructive personality of hers courtesy of her mother.
This goes to explain why Jean is relatively lenient with Klee despite the latter’s many blunders. It also makes sense why the grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius would let a child into their ranks despite her age. Although according to the Chinese and Japanese translations of Genshin Impact, Klee is revealed to be an elf which may mean she is older than she looks.
Klee Character Details
- Element: Pyro
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

Albedo is a very unique character who resides in Mondstadt. He isn’t exactly human, being a homunculus that was created by the master alchemist, Rhinedottir. Being a homunculus, Albedo has certain advantages over the common man—being designed from birth to defeat every other faulty creations of his master.
This homunculus is a genius alchemist himself and is considered to be the best in Mondstadt. Albedo uses his knowledge in chemistry to enhance his already fierce fighting capabilities. With his curious thirst for knowledge, the citizens of Mondstadt and his fellow knights worry if he may one day accidentally destroy the city.
Albedo Character Details
- Element: Geo
- Weapon: Sword
- Nation: Mondstadt
- Rarity: 5 Star

As the youngest member of the Fatui Harbingers, Childe is to be feared for his sheer potent power. You’ll get a taste of how strong he can be when you face against him as a boss. Childe, or Tartaglia as the Fatui know him, is definitely far above most of the Vision-wielders in the game as he has already unlocked his Delusion powers which allows him to use his powerful Foul Legacy transformation to mop the floor with any opponent. Had Foul Legacy not taken so much toll on his body, The Traveler might not have won against Childe.
Childe also has some influence. As one of the 11 Fatui Harbingers, he does have quite the control over Snezhaya and has an army at his beck and call. There are very few that can stand against Childe.
Childe Character Details
- Element: Hydro
- Weapon: Bow
- Nation: Snezhnaya
- Rarity: 5 Star

Ningguang is arguably the richest woman in Teyvat—being the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. And even in the fantasy world of Genshin Impact the rich still hold a lot of power. She wasn’t always like this, as Ningguang could not even afford shoes when she was young. Now she holds unsurpassed riches that is rivaled by no one.
Deep down, Ningguang is fiercely protective of her homeland and the children of Liyue. She will chuck gemstones at you and won’t hesitate to destroy her own belongings if it means keeping her nation safe. Ningguang is an expert manipulator and her time as a businesswoman has made her plenty of connections.
Ningguang Character Details
- Element: Geo
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 4 Star

Ganyu is a veteran of the Archon War—that alone should tell you what she’s capable of. Being half-Adepti, she has an unusually long life span and is no stranger to combat. Despite being under the employ of the Qixing she is actually much more powerful than her employers. You may not be able to see it at first glance as Ganyu prefers to keep to her paperwork.
Her devotion to Rex Lapis is what keeps her working in Liyue but she can serve in the frontlines should she need to be. Despite her immense power, Ganyu holds many insecurities about being half-Adepti and wishing to blend in with the humans.
Ganyu Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Bow
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 5 Star

Time is the best teacher as the 2,000 year old Xiao can certainly attest—having lived for so long, the man behind the mask has had plenty of time to become one of the strongest adepti in existence. Xiao is the only one out of the five Adepti Rex Lapis chosen to become specialized demon slayers to have retained his life and his sanity.
The fact that Xiao has survived for thousands of years with one of the most dangerous jobs in Teyvat is proof of his skill and capabilities. He may be a bit prideful of himself but he has earned that pride with perseverance.
Xiao Character Details
- Element: Anemo
- Weapon: Polearm
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 5 Star

Shenhe has more than proven her toughness when she’s shown that she can be capable of going toe-to-toe with Beisht, a god who can be comparable to Osial himself. From a young age, Shenhe has been fighting for survival ever since her father tried to sacrifice her to an evil god in an effort to revive his wife. After being adopted by The Cloud Retainer, she has learned to better control her powers and has become and absolute monster in fighting.
Due to her power, Shenhe has often been mistaken for an adeptus herself. Her humility meant that she couldn’t accept people’s worship and constantly insist that she is human.
Shenhe Character Details
- Element: Cryo
- Weapon: Polearm
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 5 Star

Yae Miko
Yae Miko is the head priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine who hides immense power behind her mischievous nature. She is quite close to Raiden Shogun who is one of the most powerful characters in the game and seems to be capable of breaking through her Eternity Plane to give the latter a scolding—a feat only few can achieve.
On full power Yae Miko is capable of many things. Though she’s generally uninterested in doing anything besides teasing those she fancies.
Yae Miko Character Details
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Catalyst
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 5 Star

Raiden Shogun
The Raiden Shogun we know isn’t actually the original Raiden Shogun, but her twin sister, Ei—who is much less impressionable or sociable than in comparison. She still possess the same abundance in power as her sister, Makoto, does and can shape landscapes with a mere swing of her blade.
Ask La Signora just how strong this woman is. Ei managed to beat and execute the Crimson Witch of Flames all in one blow. She has left her mark as one of the most powerful characters in the game and her position as such is quite tightly secured.
Raiden Shogun Character Details
- Element: Electro
- Weapon: Polearm
- Nation: Inazuma
- Rarity: 5 Star

Zhongli is nonother than the Geo Archon “Rex Lapis” himself disguised in mortal flesh. Unlike Venti who has significantly been depowered due to this Gnosis being stolen, Zhongli very much still retains his strength and is functionally immortal. With the full power of the Earth on his side, he can rival even the Shogun herself.
Don’t let his bad habits with money fool you, Zhongli only has a lack of concern for cash because he used to be able create Mora whenever he wanted. So not only is he one of the strongest characters in the game’s lore but he can also crash the game’s economy overnight should he choose to.
Zhongli Character Details
- Element: Geo
- Weapon: Polearm
- Nation: Liyue
- Rarity: 5 Star
And that’s the strongest characters in Genshin Impact at the moment. With new lore added into the game by miHoYo this list is sure to change over time. Be sure to come back as the power hierarchy always changes hands.
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