Genshin Impact update 2.1 has introduced new characters, the Fishing System, and a particularly interesting weapon that many are trying really hard to acquire right now: “The Catch” Polearm. It can only be obtained via the Fishing System and there is one particular fish type that is required for it: the Raimei Angelfish. Here is the Genshin Impact guide on how to locate the ONLY Fishing Spot location that has the Raimei Angelfish and how to obtain “The Catch”.
Genshin Impact How to Catch Raimei Angelfish and Location Guide
Where to Find the Raimei Angelfish in Genshin Impact?
There is only one fishing spot in the whole world of Teyvat where the Raimei Angelfish and that is at the east of Tatarasuna, in the shipwreck area where the water is color purple. The place is filled with enemies like Cryo Slimes, which is why it is better to kill them first then sail the Waverider to a nearby spot but not nearby the actual Fishing Spot. Depart from the vessel and then run over to the Fishing Spot to finally catch Raimei Angelfish.
The Raimei Angelfish only appears at night so wait until 18:00. It will disappear by 6:00 am, so better hurry. Use the False Worm Bait and Narukawa Ukai for the best way to catch this fish type. Time it right and it will be easy to bring these home.
Remember, Fishing Spots respawn their fish after three days in real-time so better make use of the time. If you still need more Raimei Angelfish, the next best thing is to join another Traveler’s world and fish there.
How to Get The Catch in Genshin Impact?
Now, to find the Fishing Association NPC location that has “The Catch” polearm, players only need to travel to Inazuma, just in the outskirts of Inazuma City near the shore. Talk to Kujirai Momiji to redeem “The Catch” polearm with the fish types it requires.

“The Catch” requires six pieces of Raimei Angelfish, 20 pieces of Golden Koi, and 20 pieces Rusty Koi. According to some players who have already obtained the legendary polearm, it will take 2-3 runs per fishing spot to finally achieve the number of fish required.
The Rusty Koi and Golden Koi are rather common types of fish that can be caught on various fishing spots. Rusty Koi can be caught in the region of Mondstadt (Area 4 nearby the city itself), Northern part of Liyue (Area 5 nearby West of Wangshu Inn and Area 9 Southeast, by the broken bridge), Southern part of Liyue (Area 1 Luhua Pool, nearby the Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula), and the Inazuma region (Area 5 nearby Amakumo Peak).
Golden Koi can be found in the region of Mondstadt (Area 3 Stormbearer Mountains), Northern part of Liyue (same as Rusty Koi Area 5 and 9), Southern part of Liyue (same as Rusty Koi Area 1), and Inazuma region (same as Rusty Koi Area 5).
Also, redeem Ako’s Sake Vessel when you have the fish types required. It is the “The Catch’s” refinement item.
The Catch is a four-star weapon with a secondary stat of Energy Recharge% and a weapon skill called Shanty that boosts elemental burst DMG by 16% and elemental burst CRIT Rate by +6. Because Raiden Shogun Baal is an electro user and a polearm wielder, it is one of the best weapons for her.
To check the complete list of fish types, check here while the list of fishing spots, check here. For the complete list of Fishing Association locations, check here, and for the complete list of guides for the Fishing System, click here.