Ghost Of Tsushima Main Focus On State Of Play This Thursday

Ghost of Tsushima

SIE content communications senior director Sid Shuman recently announced that the State of Play this coming Thursday will focus more on Ghost of Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima State of Play to feature more gameplay footage

Shuman revealed that on Thursday, May 14 at 1 PM Pacific Time, fans will be able to enjoy a special episode of State of Play. It will solely focus on the upcoming video game, which is coming exclusively to PlayStation 4 this coming July 17.

Fans will be treated to an extended look at new gameplay footage, like combat, exploration, and more. Shuman did clarify that there will be any news or updates about the PlayStation 5. Everything will be about Sucker Punch’s upcoming PlayStation 4 open-world game. It will be live on Twitch and YouTube.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Former News Editor