GTA Roleplay Server Team Officially Working for Rockstar Games

A big surprising change for Rockstar Games.

Rockstar Games has made a surprise announcement that a popular GTA Roleplay Server Team and its servers have been taken in by the company. Officially Joins Rockstar Team, the team behind the biggest Rockstar roleplay and creator communities FiveM and RedM, are now working under Rockstar Games. The former is the main host for some of the biggest role playing servers out there. It still has thousands of players even after eight years since the game launched on PC.

“Over the past few years, we’ve watched with excitement as Rockstar’s creative community have found new ways to expand the possibilities of Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, particularly through the creation of dedicated roleplay servers,” Rockstar said in a statement.

“As a way to further support those efforts, we recently expanded our policy on mods to officially include those made by the roleplay creative community.

“By partnering with the team, we will help them find new ways to support this incredible community and improve the services they provide to their developers and players. We look forward to sharing more in the weeks and months ahead.”

Fans are Happy with Result

Rockstar fans are surprised and happy about this big announcement since the company’s relationship with modders are quite strained lately. The company actually banned the team behind the FiveM mode. They called the project “an unauthorized alternate multiplayer service that contains code designed to facilitate piracy.” Releases Statement shared its own statement as well: “This is a huge step forward in the growth of our community, and an opportunity for us to work with Rockstar Games to advance the FiveM platform and the creative community surrounding it.”

“While our day-to-day operations won’t have any noticeable changes, with Rockstar’s support, we are going to continue to improve our platform and we are truly excited for what this means for our users, community, and creators!

“And for those curious about what else Rockstar is working on, please understand that our partnership with Rockstar Games is focused on our FiveM and RedM platforms. So please, do not ask us about the next GTA!

“Thank you all for your support. We can’t wait to see what the future brings!”

Former News Editor