Helldivers 2 The Viper Commandos Warbond – Everything You Need to Know

Discover Helldivers 2's new Viper Commandos Warbond, featuring jungle-themed gear, new weapons, armors and more.

Liberty’s Greetings, Helldivers! The developers behind the ever-popular Helldivers 2, Arrowhead Game Studios, have unveiled their latest addition: The Viper Commandos Premium Warbond. This new premium warbond offers more than just new emotes, armors, and weapons as now it includes custom skins for the Pelican, Hellpod, and Exosuits. The Viper Commandos premium warbond is expected to release on June 13, 2024.

The announcement highlights a shift in the development approach for Warbonds, driven by player feedback according to Katherine Baskin, the Social Media and Community Manager of Arrowhead Game Studios. In her blog post on the official PlayStation Blog, the team acknowledges the importance of resonating with the community’s desires, emphasizing that the Warbonds are designed to fulfill the players’ soldier fantasies within the Helldivers universe. Futhermore, the team decided to slow down the pace of releasing new Warbonds to ensure each update is polished and fully developed before it becomes available.

Moreover, the composition of Warbonds will be revamped to include new item types and higher-quality gear, moving away from simply adding more items. This shift aims to prevent redundancy and maintain the excitement and uniqueness of each new addition.

Helldivers 2 The Viper Commandos Warbond

Helldivers 2 - The Viper Commandos Premium Warbond
Image Credit: SIE/Arrowhead Game Studios

The Viper Commandos Warbond uniquely evokes the feel of a rugged reconnaissance mission through untamed wilderness. This Warbond stands out with its strong thematic consistency, ensuring players feel fully immersed in their jungle combat adventures.


Helldivers 2 - AR-23A Liberator Carbine
Image Credit: SIE/Arrowhead Game Studios

The Viper Commandos set introduces powerful, close-quarters combat weapons. The highlight is the AR-23A Liberator Carbine, a modified version of the classic Liberator. This carbine features a shorter form factor, higher recoil, and faster handling, ideal for intense, up-close firefights.

Complementing this is the SG-22 Bushwhacker, a triple-barrel, sawed-off shotgun with two firing modes, including a devastating triple-barrel burst. Notably, the Bushwhacker is a secondary weapon, allowing players to pair it with their favorite primary firearm for maximum versatility.


Helldivers 2 - Viper Commandos Armor Set
Image Credit: SIE/Arrowhead Game Studios

Armor sets in the Viper Commandos Warbond are designed to impress both in aesthetics and functionality. The PH-9 Predator armor, inspired by a legendary Viper Commando, features a stylish beret and the Mark of the Crimson Fang cape.

For those favoring heavy jungle combat gear, the PH-202 Twigsnapper armor paired with the Executioner’s Canopy cape is a perfect match. Both armors boast the Peak Physique passive, enhancing melee damage and weapon handling, and feature bare arms with randomized skin tones for a rugged, realistic look.

Additional Customizations

The Warbond also includes new skins for hellpods, Exosuits, and Pelican, drawing from classic woodland and tiger stripe camouflage patterns.

Among the new utility items is the throwing knife, a tactical addition perfect for last-minute saves in close encounters. The new Experimental Infusion booster enhances stims, boosting movement speed and reducing damage taken for a limited time. To round out the offering, players can look forward to new capes, player cards, and emotes.

That’s everything you need to know about the upcoming The Viper Commandos Premium Warbond in Helldivers 2.

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