Horizon Forbidden West’s Iconic machines are significantly more numerous compared to the first game. To go along with the well-known machines like Tallnecks and Watchers, Guerrilla Games has included dozen new machine kinds for players to encounter around the world.
Various species that have existed on Earth over the course of its history serve as inspiration for these Robotic creatures. Guerilla Games hopes to wow players once more with the machines they face in its games. Forbidden West’s new machines will take center stage, even if some old favorites make a return.
Horizon Forbidden West Machines List
Horizon Forbidden West Machines have a wide range of abilities and weaknesses, and each requires a unique strategy. We’ve compiled a list of all the machines we’ve scanned so far, Including Horizon Forbidden West’s machine classes and variants.
How many machines are in the Forbidden West?
A total of 43 different machine types can be found in Horizon Forbidden West, with the majority of them having variations: Machines with apex armor are more powerful versions of the same machine, and they are distinguished by their dark armor, as listed below:
- Grazer
- Burrower
- Scrounger
- Leaplasher
- Scrapper
- Spikesnout
- Skydrifter
- Plowhorn
- Charger
- Lancehorn
- Longleg
- Bristleback
- Fanghorn
- Redeye Watcher
- Widemaw
- Clawstrider
- Corruptor
- Bellowback
- Glinthawk
- Shell-walker
- Stalker
- Grimhorn
- Ravager
- Snapmaw
- Sunwing
- Clamberjaw
- Rollerback
- Rockbreaker
- Behemoth
- Dreadwing
- Tideripper
- Shellsnapper
- Stormbird
- Thunderjaw
- Frostclaw
- Scorcher
- Slitherfang
- Tremortusk
- Fireclaw
- Slaughterspine
- Tallneck
- Specter
- Specter Prime

Grazers in Horizon Forbidden West, can be seen as docile machines doing what they do best: plodding around in the fields, minding their own business.
Digging up natural materials to turn into biofuel is the job of this herding machine. When under danger, it is swift to flee, yet it may attack hostiles in order to protect the herd’s escape.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Grazer (no other variant)
Override: MU Cauldron

Burrowers appear to be the Watcher’s amphibious version. A typical recon machine that generates a high-pitched sound to inform teammates(usually seen in groups) and stun targets. It has the ability to burrow beneath the ground and reappear in unexpected places. Additionally, they are also skilled at swimming.
Class: Recon | Lightweight
- Burrower
- Fire Canister Burrower
- Frost Canister Burrower
- Shock Canister Burrower
- Acid Canister Burrower
- Purgewater Canister Burrower
- Plasma Canister Burrower
- Tracker Burrower
- Apex Burrower
- Apex Fire Canister Burrower
- Apex Frost Canister Burrower
- Apex Shock Canister Burrower
- Apex Acid Canister Burrower
- Apex Purgewater Canister Burrower
- Apex Plasma Canister Burrower
- Apex Tracker Burrower
Override: MU Cauldron

Scroungers, Forbidden West’s new machine, are small nimble scavengers that can be spotted in groups grinding those scrap piles. Scroungers are equipped with a power cell on their backs, allowing them to fire shock attacks or close in on their prey.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Scrounger
- Sentry Scrounger
- Apex Scrounger
- Apex Sentry Scrounger
Override: MU Cauldron

Leaplashers are among the game’s most nimble machines often seen in groups. Its powerful hind legs, which resemble those of a kangaroo, are used to kick away enemies. Pods are a part of its arsenal. This device can be wielded as a whip-like melee weapon, or it can be utilized to assist allies during a battle.
Class: Transport | Lightweight
- Acid Canister Leaplasher
- Fire Canister Leaplasher
- Frost Canister Leaplasher
- Apex Leaplasher
Override: IOTA Cauldron

Scrapper machines are small, quick, and shoots a pretty annoying laser cannon on their mouth. The collection and recycling of machine carcasses is the purpose of this machine. While scanning for hazards, it will defend itself from any intruders that might come across it.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Scrapper
- Apex Scrapper
Override: MU Cauldron

Spikesnouts have extended snouts like the Aardvark. An acquisition machine whose primary function is to liquefy soil resources so that they can be extracted. When threatened, it retreats, leaving behind a trail of mist that either enhances or weakens its allies or opponents, and it utilizes its claws and tail to strike at its enemies.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Spikesnout
- Apex Spikesnout
Override: CHI Cauldron

These gliding machines, are known as Skydrifters – more like flying watchers. Their eye functions as a detection device, allowing them to readily locate and track enemies even while in stealth. Fast and agile on the ground or in the air, it has razor-sharp wingtips and a razor-sharp tail.
Class: Recon | Lightweight
- Skydrifter
- Apex Skydrifter
Override: IOTA Cauldron

The Plowhorn looks like a Triceratops, a type of Dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period. The Utaru people revere these Acquisition machines as Land Gods. Prior to sowing seeds and fertilizer, it plows the soil and leaves behind a trail of fast-growing plants and a cloud of dust that can be utilized for stealth purposes.
Class: Acquisitions | Midweight
- Plowhorn
- Apex Plowhorn
Override: TAU Cauldron

It is one of the mountable machines in the game, along with the striders and broadheads in Zero Dawn. These Herd machine extract natural resources and convert them into biofuel. When surprised, they are not excessively violent, making them simple to take down; nonetheless, they will defend themselves if provoked.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Charger (no other variant)
Override: Automatically unlocked after receiving the Champion’s sphere (gift) from Sun-King Avad

Lancehorns are antelope buddies of grazers, although their behavior is essentially the opposite. Unlike grazers that flee when confronted, Lancehorns will charge you if provoked and attack with their Large drilling horns. This herd machine mines for natural resources that can be turned into useful materials.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Lancehorn (no other variant)
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

Longlegs are quick recon machines that patrol frequently and scan tall grass for threats. Despite the fact that it lacks the ability to fly like an Ostrich, it is nonetheless a formidable enemy due to its extensive range of weapons and tactics. Sonic explosion, powerful jump jets, and an alarm call make it a difficult opponent.
Class: Recon | Midweight
- Longleg
- Apex longleg
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

The Bristleback is one of the game’s mountable machines. The tusks of these herd machines are used to excavate. If you’ve ever wondered what the Forbidden West’s Rebel tribes may use as their mount of choice, the bristleback is a good place to start. When viewed from a distance, they are a tranquil sight. Bristleback attacks by mixing its recovered scrap with elemental material for an extremely potent ranged assault when it is ticked off. Those tusks aren’t something you want to be on the receiving end of, either.
Class: Acquisition | Midweight
- Acid Bristleback
- Fire Bristleback
- Apex Acid Bristleback
- Apex Fire Bristleback
Overrides: TAU Cauldron

Fanghorns often gather in groups resembling a herd of Buck Deer. The herd machines’ behavior is similar to that of a Grazer, in that it is quick to leave in the midst of danger, but it attacks hostiles in order to protect the herd’s safety. They have the ability to shut their horns quite tight and shoot Fireballs that may travel long distances.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Fire Fanghorn (no other variant)
Overrides: MU Cauldron

Redeye Watcher
Refined versions of Zero Dawn’s watchers may be found in Forbidden West: Redeye watchers. Since they’re more powerful, these machines aren’t as easy to take out of the sky. Despite its large numbers, it warns its allies when in danger, it is also capable of using lasers to target specific areas.
Class: Recon | Lightweight
- Redeye Watcher
- Apex Redeye Watcher
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

Widemaws are Hippo-like machines that is able to submerge and surface. Resource extraction is done by sucking them into its mouth Depending on the situation, this ability can be used for a wide range of dangerous attacks in combat. There are many vulnerable points on the backside of this machine, so approach it with stealth.
Class: Acquisition | Midweight
- Widemaw
- Apex Widemaw
Overrides: MU Cauldron

Clawstriders were among the first of Forbidden West’s new machines, which could be mounted by tribes and Aloy with chainsaw-bladed jaws. Clawstriders are known to be violent and travel in packs. In addition to a devastating scream that temporarily debilitates Aloy, the Clawstrider’s elemental variants fire strong elemental bombs.
Class: Combat | Midweight
- Clawstrider
- Fire Clawstrider
- Acid Clawstrider
- Apex Clawstrider
- Apex Fire Clawstrider
- Apex Acid Clawstrider
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

It’s worth noting that Corruptors differ from the other machines you’ll come across because of the story’s larger context. Instead, they were built to serve their intended purpose and not based on animals. War machines of the Old World, they’re agile and deadly. At close range, it uses its talon-like to strike its enemies with strong long-range attacks.
Class: Combat | Midweight
- Corruptor (no other variant)
Overrides: N/A

Horizon Forbidden West welcomes back the Bellowback as one of the medium-sized transport machines. Four variants are now available, with the only difference being the contents and attacks of each subclass. It carries a significant amount of flammable liquid on its back, which makes it a prime target for an attack. If you don’t want to be a part of the explosion, you’ll need to keep a safe distance.
Class: Transport | Midweight
- Fire Bellowback
- Acid Bellowback
- Frost Bellowback
- Apex Bellowback
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

Glinthawks are aerial scavengers made to keep the land free of broken machines, and they return yet again to be just as troublesome to handle as they were in the first game. They can usually be seen in small groups and It’s pretty hard to hit their weak spots while airborne so while in combat, you’d need to keep them on the ground.
Class: Acquisition | Lightweight
- Frost Glinthawk
- Fire Glinthawk
- Apex Glinthawk
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

Shellwalkers are crab-like transport class machines that are extremely durable. It prioritizes the safety of its cargo on its back above anything else. It makes a successful arrow landing extremely difficult, they deploy an energy shield with one claw and fire Shock assaults with the other when threatened.
Class: Transport | Midweight
- Shell-walker
- Apex Shell-walker
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

Stalkers are stealthy combat machines equipped with a cloaking device that prevents them from being seen and tracked with you focus. The stalker’s ability to ambush enemies with mines and alarm flares before launching a barrage of ranged and melee assaults makes it a particularly dangerous opponent especially in jungle environments.
Class: Combat | Lightweight
- Stalker
- Apex Stalker
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

In Horizon Forbidden West, the Ravagers, a rapid fighting machine, makes their comeback. It uses devastating close-quarters and long-range attacks to keep an area or other machines safe. Those cannons mounted on its back are also something to be wary of.
Class: Combat | Midweight
- Ravager
- Apex Ravager
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

Snapmaws are amphibious machines able to engage both on land and in the water, making them extremely versatile. They extract resources from waters and place them on barren land. To defend its territory, Snapmaws in the Forbidden West utilize their jaws, tails, and a variety of elemental materials.
Class: Acquisition | Midweight
- Snapmaw
- Apex Snapmaw
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron

Sunwings are flying Pteranodon-style machines. Its primary role is to absorb solar energy, and it is frequently found in groups. When in flight, Sunwings are swift and agile, partnered with energy shields, they are as annoying as it can be, but they become vulnerable when attempting to collect solar energy. When you progress through the game, you’ll get the ability to fly across the sky above Forbidden West in style with a sunwing.
Class: Aquisition | Midweight
- Sunwing (no other variant)
Overrides: GEMINI Cauldron

Clamberjaws, very similar to a baboon, are fierce and agile scavengers. It uses its claws and tail to gather food scraps. It has the ability to easily cling to walls and a wide range of skills that weaken its enemies. If you’re going to be dealing with them, you’ll need to keep an eye on the ground and the trees.
Class: Acquisition | Midweight
- Fire Clamberjaw
- Apex Clamberjaw
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

Class: Transport | Midweight
- Rollerback
- Apex Rollberback
Overrides: IOTA Cauldron
Rollerbacks are Heavily armored Pangolin-style transport machines. A gravity generator allows it to repair armor plates that have been ripped off. Its flame-shooting armor propels the Rollerback to great distances when it is curled up into a ball and unleashes a lethal attack. This makes it a pretty deadly machine at range.

Rockbreakers are worm-like acquisition machines that gathers underground resources and store them aboveground. With its irritating habit of burrowing below and launching a lethal attack from below, this machine will put a major strain on your patience. You better dodge your heart out because those rocks will not help you.
Class: Acquisition | Heavyweight
- Rockbreaker
- Apex Rockbreaker
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

The Behemoth, in Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, is a powerful transport class machine. Its principal function is to collect resources from smaller class machines and transport them to cauldrons for machine manufacturing. When agitated, it launches gigantic stones from its anti-gravity mechanism and charges towards its target with all of its might.
Class: Transport | Heavyweight
- Behemoth
- Apex Behemoth
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

The Dreadwing is a huge and extremely powerful flying combat machine. In terms of form and function, it resembles a bat. When disturbed, this machine is deadly and persistent, therefore you should check it beforehand before engaging it, as its attacks include a wide spectrum of disruptive status effects. It is also equipped with a Cloaking mechanism.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Dreadwing
- Apex Dreadwing
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

Tideripper, like the Plesiosaurus, is an amphibious acquisition machine. One of its primary purposes is to filter through sediments in search of useful materials. Due to its long neck and distinctive shape, this machine is easily spotted on land and water. It turns Purgewater into a deadly weapon, putting Aloy in a tight spot.
Class: Acquisition | Heavyweight
- Tideripper
- Apex Tideripper
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

The Shellsnapper, as the name suggests, this massive combat machine looks like a big snapping turtle. Though its bulk may be deceiving, the Shellsnapper is nimble and agile. Like real-life snapping turtles, it has a long neck that it can stretch out and use to bite its adversaries. A powerful water blast can also be fired at targets. It also has a shell that absorbs strikes, absorbing and storing the energy to unleash powerful attacks.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Shellsnapper
- Apex Shellsnapper
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

The Stormbird, an eagle-like combat machine, is a dangerous adversary. In addition to its terrifying look, Stormbirds are capable of flying at great heights, diving at incredible speeds, and unleashing deadly melee and Shock based air-to-ground attacks.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Stormbird
- Apex Stormbird
Overrides: Kappa Cauldron

The Thunderjaw is a massive, heavily armed and armored combat machine. This is one of the largest machines in this class. Fast and furious, it deploys its arsenal of lethal weapons in an unrelenting assault.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Thunderjaw
- Apex Thunderjaw
Overrides: Kappa Cauldron

The Frostclaw is the final re-appearing machine from the first game’s The Frozen Wilds expansion. Taking inspiration from a giant bear, it’s a ruthless acquisition machine. During combat, it utilizes cryogenic fluids for both its offensive and defensive functions. The creature is swift and dangerous in spite of its size.
Class: Acquisition | Midweight
- Frostclaw
- Apex Frostclaw
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

The Scorcher is a powerful midweight combat machine. In some ways, it is identical to the Ravager, but it has significantly greater power, agility and aggression. When fighting, it employs melee assaults enhanced by fire and a mounted mine launcher for ranged warfare.
Class: Combat | Midweight
- Scorcher
- Apex Scorcher
Overrides: CHI Cauldron

Slitherfang is an enormous cobra-like combat machine that is capable of long range attacks. In addition, it can spit acid and coil around ruins, making it a terrifying threat. They seem to be one-man business at first glance, but when the Slitherfang is damaged in battle, its attack pattern changes. While it’s unlikely that you’ll ever run across one of these creatures roaming the Forbidden West, it’s always a good idea to be prepared.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Slitherfang
- Apex Slitherfang
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

When Horizon Forbidden West was originally shown off, the mammoth-like Tremortusk was one of the first boss creatures that captivated gamers. The machine’s slow speed is compensated for by heavy armor and a variety of weapons.
Like a Fire Bellowback, the Tremortusk is able to shoot flames out of its trunk by swinging its head to the side. It may be powered by the enormous storage unit on its stomach. At a certain point, it will rise and knock the humans off. It also frequently charges in the direction of the player.
Class: Combat | heavyweight
- Tremortusk
- Apex Tremortusk
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

Classs: Acquisition | Heavyweight
- Fireclaw
- Apex Fireclaw
Overrides: CHI Cauldron
Originally debuting in The Frozen Wilds, Fireclaws make a reappearance in Forbidden West as an even more lethal acquisition machine. The Frostclaw’s twin machine, it processes resources in a furnace located inside the machine itself. When confronted, it pulls on its massive Blaze stockpiles to unleash devastating Fire-augmented ranged and melee assaults.

The Slaughterspine, as its name implies, is a formidable and lethal combat machine, as well as one of the largest in its class. While the Thunderjaw is intimidating in terms of its structure, Slaughterspines are more terrifying by design, you may not want to take on this machine in combat. After charging its Plasma Energizers, it can unleash a barrage of destructive special abilities that are powered by Plasma.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Slaughterspine
- Apex Slaughterspine
Overrides: KAPPA Cauldron

A massive observation machine that is completely oblivious to any interruptions in its activity. In the course of its operation, it monitors and collects data from a wide area. It’s the only known machine that isn’t hostile toward humans. Aloy can receive a map of the region if she climbs up to the disc and overrides it.
Class: Recon | Heavyweight
- Tallneck (no other variant)
Override: Automatically unlocked after receiving the Champion’s sphere (gift) from Sun-King Avad

A highly advanced, mobile combat dJust like in Zero Dawn, these drones were created for a specific purpose and were not based on animals in nature. As you go through the main story, you’ll come across these extremely advanced, mobile combat drones. Its gold plates, which resemble armor, may transform into deadly weapons and reattach themselves gravitationally if ripped off.
Class: Combat | Midweight
- Specter (no other variant)
Overrides: N/A

Specter Prime
[Spoilers Ahead]
The Specter Prime is Horizon Forbidden West’s Final Boss and the pinnacle of the Far Zenith exoframe. Gold armor-like plates can transform into destructive weapons and gravitationally reattach when torn off, yet it has the ability to transform into a wide variety of shapes. This will, no doubt, give you a very hard time dealing with, it’s nothing compared to those machines that you’ve faced off so far.
Class: Combat | Heavyweight
- Specter Prime (no other variants)
Overrides: N/A
Machine Classes in Horizon Fobidden West
The machines in Horizon Zero Dawn were originally divided into four distinct classes. Players, on the other hand, were unable to see which classes they had been assigned to. Horizon Forbidden West has the same classes and they’re listed as follows:
- Acquisition Class – Machines designed to harvest resources fall under the Acquisition Class. They have blaze canisters on them and are typically shaped like herbivores in the original game.
- Combat Class – Machines in the Combat Class are typically modeled after predatory animals, such as lions, bears, and wolves. The original game’s Sawtooths or Stalkers come to mind.
- Recon Class – Reconnaissance machines, also known as “sentinels,” keep an eye out for potential dangers. As an example, the Watchers from the original game.
- Transport Class – Cargo or canister transport machines fall under the Transport Class category. Let’s take the original game’s Shell-Walkers as an example.
All Rideable Machines in Horizon Forbidden West – Mounts
Overrides provide a significant advantage to you when exploring the lands of the Forbidden West, whether it be through riding machines or employing them in fight as allies. However, not all machines that can be overridden are allowed to be used as mounts in this game.
Only the following machines can be used as mounts:
- Bristleback
- Clawstrider
- Charger
- Sunwing
If you like this guide, check out our other Horizon Forbidden West articles:
- Horizon Forbidden West All Editions – Details & Comparison
- Do You Need to Play Horizon Zero Dawn Before Forbidden West?
If you are interested, check out this video by YouTwoGamerz for aAll Possible Mounts in Horizon: Forbidden West (Flying & Land)