Is Rise of the Ronin on PC?

Is Rise of the Ronin on PC

Rise of the Ronin is Team Ninja’s newest action-RPG, which it takes place within the stunning history of Japan in the nineteenth century. For fans of historical action games, it’s sure to be a must-play title thanks to its rich plot, satisfying open-world exploration, and combat mechanics that combines both traditional and explosive firearms.

Given Team NInja’s track record with popular serie like Nioh, fans will likely have high hopes on this new project. But the major concern for many is whether Rise of the Ronin will be available on multiple platforms, Specifically on PC.

Is Rise of the Ronin available on PC?

Unfortunately, no. Rise of the Ronin is confirmed to be a PlayStation 5 exclusive at launch. This decision to keep it exclusive reminds us of Team Ninja’s past approach to their previous games; for example, the Nioh series was exclusive to PlayStation platforms for a while before making its way to PC.

The developers and publisher, Sony Interactive Entertainment, have made it plain that the game will not be accessible on PC or Xbox Series X|S at least at first, pointing out its exclusivity to PS5. A lot of people have been disappointed by this, especially those who don’t have access to Sony’s newest console. It has sparked conversations about the bigger picture of platform-exclusive releases in gaming.

Is Rise of the Ronin coming on PC or other platforms

Is Rise of the Ronin coming on PC or other platforms?

While Sony’s decision to keep Rise of the Ronin exclusive to the PS5 might seem firm, the game’s origins hint at a possible PC port. However, there has been no official word on when or if the game will be released for PC. The publishing and development teams have been silent on the subject, so PC gamers can only speculate and hold out hope.

Senior Editor