Rise of the Ronin lets players progress through the campaign armed with a specific type of currency, such as silver coins. Unlike the Sen currency, Silver Coins unlock the game’s rarer weapons, mounts, and other items, making them more wanted in the long run.
Given that silver coins are very important to progress through the game, below we’ve compiled the best possible ways to get and farm them fast without unnecessary grinding in Rise of the Ronin:
1. Pet and Collect Cats

Cats may be found all around the game world, and petting them is a quick and easy way to earn Silver Coins. You can earn three silver coins for every cat that you pet, and players are advised to raise their Bond Level in different regions to make collecting cats easier by identifying their locations on the map.
Apart from casually cuddling them, collecting cats as part of the game’s side missions can be just as rewarding. See our guide on All Cat Locations in Yokohama for a head start on farming silver coins.
2. Send out Pilgrim Dogs

Sending out Pilgrim Dogs on a Pine Pilgrimage is a costly option that requires Sen, but it offers a return of 10 Silver Coins each delivery. Even though it takes some money up front, this method has a chance to yield Silver Coins on a regular basis in the long run.
3. Defeat Fugitives and Complete Missions

Finding and defeating all Fugitives and taking on missions, such as training missions and photograph requests, are direct ways to gain Silver Coins. In addition to adding to your coin hoard, these methods offer a more unique gameplay experience while earning the currency.
4. Take Part in Co-op Missions

A fun and rewarding approach to get Silver Coins is to team up with other players in coop missions, which offers up more opportunities to do so. If you’re new to the game, feel free to check out our guide that explains how multiplayer co-op works in Rise of the Ronin.