Luminous Productions to Merge with Square Enix

Merge into one powerful gaming company.

In a new announcement, Luminous Productions, the makers of Forspoken, is going to be merging with it publisher Square Enix.

“Square Enix Holdings Co announces that it will merge its wholly owned subsidiary Luminous Productions Co, Ltd into its wholly owned subsidiary Square Enix Co, Ltd effective Monday, May 1, 2023,” Square Enix states in a new press release on its official website.

According to the statement, the merger was done as an effort to further bolster the competitive prowess of the group’s development studios. This was a goal for Square Enix that they had planned and part of its medium-term business strategy.

Combining both Square Enix and Luminous Productions will further enhance Square Enix ability to developer high quality games. Square Enix itself has developed various HD games and owns a lot of intellectual property and content. Luminous Productions on the other hand has the capabilities to make triple A games and technical expertise in areas like game engine development.

On a post by Luminous Productions on Twitter, it revealed that its team will be joining Square Enix on May 1, 2023.

“When we established Luminous Productions in 2018, our vision was to make AAA games that fused technology and artistry to deliver completely new play experiences. Having the chance to do just that has been a dream come true.

“We appreciate you taking this journey with us and look forward to continuing to create new entertainment and experiences as a part of the Square Enix family.”

Former News Editor