Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Confirmed NOT a Co-Op Game

Rumors got shot down fast.

Insomniac Games has officially confirmed that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is NOT a co-op game unlike the recent rumors.

Earlier, it was rumored that the upcoming sequel Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have co-op features. In an interview with the voice actor who plays Miles Morales, Nadji Jeter, he let it slip that he thought that the game will be getting support co-op. He was not sure at that time so this was ignored, but recently it got rediscovered and now it started a misunderstanding. It was widely circulated that the game will be getting co-op features.

To finally clarify this mix-up, a Twitter user asked Insomniac Games if the game will be a co-op title. The developer quickly shot down the speculation replying: “Nope! It is an epic single-player adventure!”.

So it is clear now: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will not have co-op features. It will be a full, single-player game. It will be released sometime this year on PS5.

Former News Editor