Marvel’s Spider-Man Gets New Iron Spider Suit In Official Trailer

Marvel's Spider-Man Iron Spider costume

Game publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment recently revealed the official trailer for Marvel’s Spider-Man by game developer Insomniac Games. It features a new Spider Suit.

Marvel’s Spider-Man gets the Iron Spider

The new Iron Spider Suit got inspiration from the recent super movie of the year: Avengers: Infinity War. The trailer will be screened in theaters before the film shows. Like the Spider-Punk suit, this will not be exclusive to pre-orders.

Players who reserved a copy will be able to unlock this new suit as soon they gain the ability to change Spider suits. It will be unlockable for the rest of the gamers at some point in the game by crafting it.

The video game will launch this coming Sept. 7 exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

Check out the official trailer below:


Official Source: PlayStation Blog

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