Monster Hunter Wilds’ Insect Glaive is Both Flexible & Agile in New Trailer

Speed and Jumping Power Are What the Insect Glaive is known for

Monster Hunter Wilds Insect Glaive is Both Flexible & Agile in New Trailer Featured Image

There are various weapons that players can use in Monster Hunter Wilds. In this today’s featurette trailer, one of the most agile weapons used in the game, the Insect Glaive, is shown.

Monster Hunter Wilds Insect Glaive | Weapon Overview

The Insect Glaive is a mobile weapon that you can use while controlling a creature known as a Kinsect. Gain powerful buffs by harvesting extracts from monsters and vault into the air to perform jumping attacks at will. Don’t forget to use Focus Mode to target a monster’s wounds and weak points and unleash a flurry of combo attacks to render your monsters motionless.

Monster Hunter Wilds is expected to launch in 2025 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via Steam). For more info about the game, check out their main website.
