My Friendly Neighborhood is the newest survival horror game that follows the story of a handyman named Gordon who was sent to disable the antenna of a shut-down studio after it mysteriously started broadcasting again. After barely making his way out of the sewers and the basement, Gordon now has to navigate the floors and the rooms inside the MFN Studios Offices.
Read ahead as we go through the steps on how to complete Part 3: MFN Studios Offices of My Friendly Neighborhood and share the locations of the collectibles that can be found in this segment.
See previous: My Friendly Neighborhood Part 2: Ray’s Basement Guide
My Friendly Neighborhood Part 3: MFN Studios Offices Objectives
My Friendly Neighborhood Part 3: MFN Studios Offices Walkthrough
After getting out of the elevator, you will arrive at the MFN Studios hallway known as the Marquee Hall. The TV Studio to the right and the Music Studio to the left are locked right now, so proceed forward and you will arrive at the Main Hall.
Get The Punctuation Grenade
Exit back to the lobby. The door directly opposite to you has a Lounge connecting to an elevator that is currently not working; take note of this for now. Check the table for the Note – On the War.
Head up the stairs and go through the center door to arrive at the Theater Lobby. In here, you will find a lot of knocked down puppets and a display case that contains The Punctuation Grenade. This can be thrown to knock down enemies with its explosion. Check the small room to the right to find some ammo.
Explore the 2nd Floor
Head back out to the stairs where you’ll see two more stairs on both sides and each side has a door. The room to the left is the West Office that has another door that is locked on the other side, while the door on the right leads to the East Office that is connected to the Executive Hallway. Be careful at this point as Gobblette will be roaming in and out of the rooms to chase you down.
Get the MFN Studios Offices Map
Go to the office on the right then head to the next door. The corridor will have a couple of puppets standing guard; it’s best to tie them up if you can as you’ll be passing here again later. The first fork in the corridor leads to a locked door on the edge of a staircase, while the next fork leads to a door to a room where the MFN Studios Offices Map can be found.
Get the Red Diamond Key
Head back up the Rear Staircase and take the door to the West Offices. The first room that you’ll reach will be a small kitchen, take down the puppet inside and check the fridge and cabinets for some potion and ammo. The connecting corridor will be lined with wall puppets, so tread carefully.
On the corner of the room is Norman sleeping over the MFN board game. It also has the Red Diamond Key under its hand. The only way that you can get the key is to play the board game with Norman. Since you have the Game Piece from earlier, use it to play against the puppet.
The objective of the game is to reach the finish line first by playing your cards right. You will be dealt with five cards with numbers from 1 to 3. To move your piece, play a card and your piece will move the same amount of spaces written on that card. Some of the spaces have special mechanics that are listed on the rule sheet such as draw a card, play the top card on the deck, play only 1, and instant lose. Once you win against Norman, you will get the key.
Check the pool table to find the Note – Pool table Note.
Unlock the Projection Room
Head back to the Executive Hallway and go up to the stairs that leads to the red diamond door. This door will lead to the Projection Room. There is a control panel inside where you can control which projector will turn on. Pressing #1 will make Gobblette visit the theater and this will be useful later on if you want to take the peaceful route with her. For now, check the window to find the Note – Puppet Space Quest Review.
Solve the Mask Puzzle/Get the Dice
Now that you have all four masks, head back to the Mezzanine on the second floor and go up the stairs to the Statue Room with the golden busts. In this room, you will have to place right mask on the right bust. There is a plaque that gives out a hint on which mask goes on which bust. The order goes:
- Norman – Violet
- Junebug – Yellow
- Lilianna – Pink
- George – Red
Solve the Safe Puzzle/Find the Fluid Tank
Back in the Rec Room, go to the Safe and place all of the dice on the slots. Then, push the red button on the side to make the circle panel flip and reveal the pattern that you will have to follow. The catch is that the dice have to be flipped so that the side that will touch the pattern will match the dots on the pattern. You can only flip the dice when the panel is closed.
The easiest way to complete this is to take note of all the pattern first, then flip the dice so that the number that you can see is the difference between 7 and the pattern number. For example: If the pattern is 3, then 7-3=4, so you will have to flip the dice and make sure that it shows 4 when the panel is closed. Do this for all the dice and you will unlock the safe. Inside the safe is where you will find the Fluid Tank.
Go back down to the Main Hall where you will see a huge wall monster full of eyes that is blocking your way out. It shoots out puppets at you and it can also summon the small puppets to chase you down. To defeat this monster, you will need to attack its eyes. Tossing a couple of The Punctuation at it is an effective way to bring it down quickly. Once it is done, you can now head back out to the Studio Lot for the next area which is the Public Park.
Get the Cheat Tape #3
Travel back to the Main Set in Stage 4, then enter the ABC Building to find another red diamond door. Open it and you will find Cheat Tape #3 by the shelf.
How to help Gobblette
To help Gobblette, you will have to go visit Ray’s Basement once again. Take the elevator down at the Marquee Hall from earlier, then make your way back to the starting area of the Office Basement section. Here, you will find the red diamond door that you passed by. Open it to access the Restroom, then check the stalls to find the Reel #1. There’s also the Pump Piece that you can find in the shower floor that you will need to help Ray later on.
Go back to the Projection Room and place the reel on the first projector, then push the #1 button. This will make Gobblette go inside the Theater and sit down to watch the movie. You can then go down to the Theater where Gordon will talk to Gobblette and give her some words of advice. Gobblette wills top chasing you from now on and you will also unlock the A Star of Light Achievement.
See next: My Friendly Neighborhood Part 4: Public Park Guide