Nintendo Confident That Neither PS5 or Xbox Series X Will Affect It Much

The year 2020 is just beginning. And already two colossal giants of consoles are battling it out for the next generation. The PlayStation 5 vs the Xbox Series X, who take the crown for the next decade? But wait. Just these two? What about the other consoles? Surely, this jump into the next generation will affect them.

Well, not for Nintendo. At least, not by any significant amount.

Nintendo President, Shuntaro Furukawa, boldly claimed confidence last week in a translated Japanese Q&A for the investors.

We will explain the specific figures for the next fiscal year in our next fiscal year announcement, but I think there will certainly be a change in the environment as new products of our competitors appear.

Shuntaro Furukawa

The Nintendo president doesn’t really believe that there’s many audience crossover between the two next-generation consoles and the Nintendo Switch. Which explains the companies lack of worry.

We do not believe that the business trends of other companies will have a significant impact on our business.

Shuntaro Furukawa

Furukawa also mentions that the Nintendo Switch is about halfway throughout its life cycle. The Switch released back at 2017 of March, meaning that Nintendo might not plan on releasing another until 2023.

Sales-wise, Nintendo isn’t doing too bad. With the Switch selling roughly over 50 million already and even more promising games coming up this year such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nintendo has every reason to be confident.

Source: IGN

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