Nintendo Switch Online Service Has a Launch Date

Nintendo has really whipped the world into a frenzy with its latest device, the Switch. There are no shortage of people who want to buy the portable console. Well, for those who have Nintendo Switch or are planning to buy one, they may be excited to know that Nintendo Switch has plans for their online service regarding said console.

If you don’t know, there was supposed to be a Nintendo Switch Online Service back in Fall of 2017 but was pushed back for reasons unknown. Now during a Q&A with investors, Nintendo’s CEO, Tatsumi Kimishima, promised that resources are being put to use to make sure that Nintendo Switch’s Online Service will be something everyone will want to partake in.

The Nintendo Switch Online Service is set for launch this September, 2018 for $20 a year. Much of the plans of it is unknown for now, but there will be future announcements that players can look forward to as stated by Nintendo’s Managing Executive Officer, Shinya Takahashi.

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