No Man’s Sky Update 4.0 Adds New Game Mode and Two Improved Modes

Also Switch version launching soon!

Hello Games has confirmed that No Man’s Sky update 4.0 will be adding a new game mode and improvements to two of them.

No Man’s Sky Update 4.0 Launch Date

Hello Games Boss Sean Murray spoke recently to media outlet Eurogamer to talk about the upcoming new update for No Man’s Sky and the launch on a new platform. One of the topics he touched on was the update 4.0’s newest additions to the game when it gets installed this coming Friday, October 7, 2022.

One New Game Mode and Two Improvements

Murray confirmed that there will be a new game mode added to the game. These new game modes are the Relaxed Mode, an overhauled Survival Mode, and the Custom Games mode will have more tools.

Relaxed Mode Details

The new game mode called Relaxed Mode will work with either a new game or an existing save. This will focus more on exploration and less on surviving and grinding. This will make it easier for new players or returning ones who want to play the game with six years’ worth of content.

Survival Mode Overhaul

Survival Mode will be overhauled with update 4.0. “Survival is [currently], I think, at its strongest in the first few hours as a game mode,” Murray explains, “[so] we’ve made it a much more challenging, more unique experience.” Players who are experts already with No Man’s Sky will thoroughly enjoy this new experience if they wanted a very challenging playthrough.

Custom Games New Tools

Lastly is the Custom games mode which will be getting new tools to use. This will feature options that will adjust everything, Murray said. This will include, controls, difficulty, and more. This will open a lot of different ways to play the game that was not there before.

More options for players who love this game and those who are curious.

no man's sky update 4.0

No Man’s Sky is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and coming to Nintendo Switch on October 7, 2022.

Former News Editor