Overwatch 2 PvE Hero Mode Plans Dropped by Blizzard

PvE Hero Mode is no more but Blizzard has other plans.

Overwatch 2

The most-awaited Overwatch 2 PvE Hero Mode plans have been dropped by Blizzard.

Just recently on a Twitch stream, Blizzard finally revealed Overwatch 2 content roadmap. Executive Producer Jared Neuss broke the news to the fans who were watching and also explained the reason for dropping the PvE content.

“Development on the PvE experience has not really hasn’t made the progress that we have hoped,” Neuss said. “The team has created a bunch of amazing content so there’s awesome missions that are really exciting. There’s brand new enemies that are super fun to fight and some truly great and ridiculous hero talents. But unfortunately, the effort required to pull all of that together into a Blizzard-quality experience that we can ship to you is huge, and there really is no end in sight or defined kind of end date where we can put that out into the world.”

This is where the team made the difficult decision to abandon Hero Mode PvE and will be focusing on other things. “… It’s clear that we can’t deliver on that original vision for PvE that was shown in 2019. What that means is that we won’t be delivering that dedicated hero mode with talent trees, that long-term talent power progression. Those things are just not in our plans anymore.”

Story missions are coming to Overwatch 2 in Season 6 together with a new support hero. This will now be one of the replacements for PvE. More new content will be coming, which was featured on the new roadmap they shared on Twitter.

Overwatch 2 Director Aaron Keller shared some new details in an interview with GameSpot the PvE additions that will be coming to Overwatch 2.

“We have a lot coming out this year, and even if you look at Season 6, it’s the biggest season we’ve ever launched in the history of Overwatch,” Keller said. “We are running a PvE event that season. We have a whole new type of PvE content that we’re releasing with our single-player Hero mastery missions… So I hope that players can see that we are still committed to PvE and we are doing more with the story than we’ve ever done before. We’re just doing it in a different way than what we originally talked about.”

Overwatch 2 is now available on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5.

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