The Mysterious Box is the seventh quest in Persona 5 Tactica. Ryuji got curious about all the boxes that they see around town and he wants to get one and open it up to find out. Read ahead as we share the solution to Quest 7: The Mysterious Box of Persona 5 Tactica.
See previous: Quest 6 – Yusuke in Freefall
The Mysterious Box Quest Details
- How to unlock: Complete Mission 24 – Might Doesn’t Make Right
- Objective: Carry Wooden Box to the target
- Rewards: Ryuji and Makoto +20 GP each
For this quest, you’ll have to push a wooden box to the goal by hitting it with a melee attack. Use someone like Joker who has a decent knockback for melee attacks to get some good distance.
The Mysterious Box Quest Solution
Start off with Ryuji and hit the box to push it to the east. Then, switch to Makoto and hit it to the north. Next, switch to your third and hit the box once more to the north. It should hit the edge of the playing field, causing it to bounce back.
On the next turn, a brute enemy will approach closer; it should move forward but out of the way of the box, otherwise you’ll have to hit and lure it away of the path or reset the quest.
Next, have your third push the box towards the goal to the west as they’re most likely to be the one closer to the box. Switch to Skull and since he’s the one farthest from the box, make him hit and lure the brute. This should allow Makoto to get a one more from hitting the brute and hit the box towards the goal once more.

Next have Makoto push the box to the south. Switch to your third and approach the box; you won’t be able to get behind the box with your range, so attack the nearby open enemy on the roof to get a one more and be able to go around the box. Finally, you can push the box towards the goal and complete the quest.