New PlayStation State of Play Event Rumored Coming This Month

Another showcase for announcements or?

PlayStation Communities

A rumor claims that a new PlayStation State of Play event will be happening soon this month.

The last State of Play happened last April 2023 which focused on Final Fantasy XVI. Later in June 2023, the PlayStation Showcase happened featuring various games like Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater Remake, Alan Wake 2, and the confirmation of Project Q. Now, a new rumor claims another PlayStation Showcase is happening and there is a precedent for that.

According to journalist Jeff Grubb, there is going to be a new PlayStation State of Play event this month and the reason is the sudden PS Plus 12-month subscription price hike. He thinks Sony will be making some explanations for the big jump in prices for the 12-month Essential, Extra, and Premium. The increase is quite steep that Premium, the highest tier subscription, has jumped by a whopping $40. Before that, there might be some announcements from various games, but this upcoming event will focus more on the price hike.

So far, no announcements from SIE, but Grubb is a reliable industry insider so it could happen.

Former News Editor