Game developer PUBG Corp. has recently announced that their survival shooter PUBG is now available on mobile platforms.
PUBG goes mobile
The game company has announced that their video game is now available on iOS and Android. They collaborated with Tencent in order to make this happen, which they revealed last year. Aside from the mobile port, the game is available on the Xbox One and PC.
Recent soft-launch
Before the mobile port was launched to more territories, the game company launched it in Canada a few days ago. This was a beta test in order to check out the integrity and stability of the servers. After the confirmation, they launched mobile port worldwide.
Tencent excited
Tencent corporate vice president Chen Jerry expressed his excitement of the mobile game‘s launching He is glad that the mobile version of the popular video game is now available all over the globe, and it is garnering popularity. He promised that their team will work hard to create an authentic mobile experience of the game that everyone would love to try out.
Check out THM Gaming‘s PUBG mobile video below:
Source: Google App Store