Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remakes Finally Get Missing Features Again with New Update

Ray-Tracing back again!

Resident Evil 3 Jill Valentine

CAPCOM has recently announced that the Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remakes issues are now resolved.

A few days ago, it was reported that Resident Evil 2 and 3 games had their ray-tracing features vanish for no reason at all. These features greatly improved the visuals of the two games on PC and for them to be gone all of a sudden did not sit well with the fans.

It was never explained how the ray-tracing features got removed. It could be an issue with the coding of the previous update.

Today, CAPCOM is proud to announce that the ray-tracing features are now back with the help of the latest update for the two games. Players will only need to update the game today to finally get those options to appear back again in the menu section.

This particular hotfix is only available on PC as the ray-tracing features were only missing on PC.

Former News Editor