Star Wars Jedi Planned to be a Trilogy

It has always been in the cards since the first game launched.

In a recent interview, it was revealed that the Star Wars Jedi series could become a trilogy in the future, but there is a condition.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Project Director Stig Asmussen recently spoke with IGN in an episode of IGN Unfiltered. He talked about the sequel like its development, the addition of new features like new combat and traversal mechanics, and more. He also revealed that the sequel, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, was always in the cards even before the first game got released. In fact, he always wanted to see this series as a trilogy.

But in order to make a third entry in the series, the second one must do well first when it launches. If reaches a certain sales number, then fans can look forward to a third title.

It was also discussed that if a third game was going to be made, it will now be developed in Unreal Engine 5 instead of the usual Unreal Engine 4 which is currently used by Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Asmussen just commented that is “a pretty safe assumption.”

It is already certain that the second title will be a guaranteed hit due to the overwhelming hype for its release when it got announced for the first time. The feature alone of allowing players to fully explore certain planets is a big bonus for fans. Still, we will have to wait for Respawn Entertainment to make the official announcement in the future.

star wars jedi

Star Wars Jedi Survivor launches on April 28, 2023 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor