Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Video Shown Off During Event

Space cowboy fights, speeder bike chases, bribes, and a lot more!

After it was recently revealed on Xbox Games Showcase, Ubisoft finally revealed Star Wars Outlaws gameplay video during Ubisoft Forward 2023.

Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Video Shows Off More

Star Wars Outlaws was first revealed on Sunday revealing that it was developed by Ubisoft Massive and is planned for release sometime in 2024 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. This excited many fans because it touched another part of the Star Wars universe and it is open world. While this new reveal hyped up the fans real fast, Ubisoft was actually not done showing off new details.

Kay Vess, the New Scoundrel of the Universe

Ubisoft recently revealed 10 minutes’ gameplay video during the Ubisoft Forward 2023 showcase. It showcases the new “scoundrel” of the Star Wars franchise, protagonist Kay Vess. It starts with her sneaking through an underworld base together with her small alien friend Nix. The latter actually helps Vess solve puzzles and distract enemies. He can push buttons, distract enemies, and anything he can do to help out.

Combat is Smooth

Unfortunately, when Vess attempts to cross a particular section of the base, she gets discovered by a guard. She tries to reason with it, but it was aggressive and starts to attack her, which she quickly disposes. The whole base gets alerted and they enter full combat. Nix actually helps out too.

Vehicular Travel is Fast

Vess quickly escapes into the open world via a speeder bike, but gets pursued by raiders. It then shows a mechanic that slows down time while she is on the bike to quickly take out multiple enemies. After shaking them off, she arrives in a small town where she meets with her companion and a broker talking with an Imperial officer. They start to argue, but players can choose the option to bribe or not bribe the officer to solve the situation either peacefully or face the consequences.

Space Battles are Authentic

Vess leaves with her ship and crew but becomes the most wanted woman in the outer rim. They get pursued again, but this time Tie Fighters are firing on them. The video shows how space battles are done, which seems to be quite responsive. After killing a few pursuers, they decide to jump to escape, which they did successfully and that ends the video.

More Coming Soon?

The gameplay video shows a lot of gameplay mechanics that big Star Wars fans are surely going to love due to the amount of freedom they can do in the game. There could be more later on though.

Star Wars Outlaws launches in 2024.