Steam Deck Stick Drift Issues Finally Fixed by Valve

No more stick drift issues!

After issues of a Steam Deck stick drift appeared online, Valve quickly responded and released a new update.

Valve revealed in a statement the cause of the drifting was due to a software problem. There was a deadzone regression from a recent firmware update. Valve UX Designer Lawrence Yang was the one to explain all of the details to the public.

Yang revealed the team has already found an easy solution to solve this stick drift problem with the Steam Deck. He revealed they have already released the fix to remove the bug. He also advises everyone to make sure everyone is up to date with the firmware software.

Some fans replied that stick drift will happen sooner or later, but it will depend on the design. There are also ways to lessen the drifting movement if the owners do not have plans to return their units for repairs, which is to make recalibrations.

This is not the only gaming console that had stick drift issues. One of the notorious ones was the Nintendo Switch Joy Con that easily got stick drift in just a few tries. It seems Valve has better joysticks though.

A few days ago, Gabe Newell was the one to hand deliver Steam Deck units to lucky buyers who happen to live nearby the Valve offices.