Classic title Syphon Filter on PS Plus Premium is currently unplayable due to a certain bug.
Syphon Filter PS Plus Premium Woes
A few days ago, the newest PS Plus subscription service was made available in the US. Players who wanted to enjoy the nostalgia quickly chose the PS Plus Premium version. With this tier, they were able to download classic titles especially the PS1 games and one of them was Syphon Filter. Unfortunately, it seems there is a bug right now making it unplayable.
Error Message
Some PS Plus Premium subscribers have complained that they were not able to download the classic PS1 game when it got unlocked after getting the new tier. According to them, they only got the error message “WS-11648303”. Currently, there is now workaround for this issue and players are forced to choose other games instead. There has been no official fix yet.
Fix on the Way They Said
Some subscribers have already contacted Sony Interactive Entertainment and luckily got a reply. The tech support representative said that there will be a fix soon, but they did not share a specific date on when it will arrive. They do acknowledge that the service just launched and any issues appearing might take longer to solve than others.

Syphon Filter is one of the most popular classic titles out there and it would be safe to assume that it would take priority in fixing this bug soon. This will depend all entirely to SIE though.