Game developer Con Artist Games and publisher Armor Games Studios have announced the upcoming video game The Last Stand: Aftemath.

This is the latest title in a series that started with a flash game The Last Stand way back in 2007. It aims to break completely new ground when it launches on PC sometime in 2021. It will now offer a fresh roguelite take on the series, while still having the same feel that made the original so memorable.
About the game:
Players take control of a survivor thrust into a cataclysmic zombie apocalypse. In a unique twist, however, the survivor has been infected and must strike out to make the most of their final days by gathering supplies for those who will come after them, and hunting for the truth behind the renewed danger of the zombie virus, before they themselves succumb. But when one survivor dies, the player will immediately take control of another, who will benefit from the progress made by their predecessors. The Last Stand: Aftermath looks to pose the question: how much can you give before you are gone forever?
The game developer have started a Kickstarter campaign, which can be visited here. This allows backers to support their development team on their last parts of development.
An exclusive beta of the game will be released directly after the end of the Kickstarter campaign, which ends in mid-October.
“Aftermath is a culmination of years of ideas mixed with the series’ long history, so hitting all of those notes has been an exciting challenge” said Chris Condon, game director at Con Artist Games. “It is important to us to deliver the best possible version of Aftermath to fans of the series, so Kickstarter makes a lot of sense to help us get to the finish line.”
The Kickstarter campaign will last for 30 days only. They can back the game and get thei copy at launch for only $25 with limited early bird pledges available for only $20.
Source: Press Release
Check out the trailer here: