Gearbox Software has released the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands update with its patch notes.
The new update will be available on 9:30 AM PT on June 16, 2022. Check the News screen in-game or the Main Menu or Pause Menu for the article with the version number listed above.
There is an in-game, limited-time mini-event that will start from June 16 to June 23, 2022 at 9 AM PT.
- Activated the In-Game Mini Event: Crystalline Chaos!
- Increased base crystals gained from clearing a room in the Chaos Chamber by 50%
- Increased base crystals gained from Big Reward Dice in Chaos Chamber by 50%
- Doubled base crystals from doing Bonus Objectives in Chaos Chamber
- Doubled base crystals gained from the Switches in Chaos Chamber
The current featured runs will have Wastard and Death Rattler. This will be available in the Chaos Chamber after completing the main story and will rotate weekly every Thursday at 9 AM PT.
Check out the change notes below:
- A Shroomoner enemy would calm down if it was able to have time to reflect, so we gave it something to stay mad about during the Ron Rivote side mission to prevent it from not moving
- The Legendary Torgue pistol “The Message” has been updated to display its magazine size based on the item card as intended
- Prevented players from free, free fallin’ outside of the Overworld map near The Fearamid
- Stopped a skeleton from getting stuck and out of reach during “Hero of Brighthoof” to prevent progression from being blocked
- Dahlia Snipers with a specific foregrip part would not display the correct magazine size.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.