1. Assassin’s Creed 3 – AC3 was perhaps the game that started the fatigue that has plagued the franchise. It had the impossible task of surpassing Assassin’s Creed 2 and the entire Ezio trilogy. And while you’re probably thinking “haven’t we hit on Connor well enough?” Yes we have and that’s why I’m leaving him alone. Time has done that for me. What I meant was with Desmond.
We thought we were eventually going to see Desmond taking the wheel and grow into the character we expected him to become. I was expecting games where we finally get to be him, not ancestors of his, but him. I was expecting that we’d end the entire AC story with him. Instead he was killed off. He did die in an honorable manner but it was sloppily executed that it was just distasteful. To me, this is where the AC franchise derailed off of its strong point that the Ezio trilogy established which is its story telling.