So you have just bought Trials of Mana but you have no idea what you’re doing. It’s probably your first time into the series. Or you may be a veteran but have no idea what is waiting for you in this game. Have no fear, this tips & tricks guide will set you up to conquer the Trials of Mana.
It goes without saying that a game like this needs exploring. There are so many things that you can find just by exploring the game. There are various chests, and shiny items waiting for you to pick up so be sure to search every nook and cranny to get the most of your gaming experience.
Li’l Cactus
As you explore the world of Trials of Mana, you will encounter this prickly little character. He will be hidden throughout the world for you to find. Make sure to keep an eye out for these succulents as they will net you several privileges for the game, everytime you find 5 of them. The benefits are really good so it is worth your while to search for them.
Magic Pots and Item Seeds
Item seeds are items that you can get from enemies or from chests. These seeds can then be planted in a magic pot located in the town inns. This is an inexpensive way to get items so be sure to plant them whenever you stop by a town. Some of the most powerful weapons in the game can only be acquired through item seeds too so it is not a waste of time to plant them. Planting them often will also level up the magic pot allowing you to gain better and more item seeds from enemies. It will also allow you to get better items from planting them.

Chain Abilities
Chain abilities are abilities that you can learn from your companions, from NPCs and even from your enemies. There are quite a few missable abilities if you don’t communicate often with non-essential NPCs so chat them up when you get into a town to see if they can bestow you with a Chain Ability.
Training Points
Whenever your characters level up, you gain Training Points which you can then allocate to five stats. These stats include Strength, Intelligence, Spirit, Stamina and Luck. Allocating them to each stat will allow you to unlock certain abilities. It is best to save up your training points or allocate it to one single stat in where you want a certain ability. Although there is a reset stats allocation the further you are in the game, it may be expensive to do so and you need the gold if you want to acquire better weapons early on in the game. As you unlock classes, you will also need more training points to unlock high level abilities and skills. So choose carefully or reset when really needed.
Positioning is Key
Battles in Trials of Mana are in active time mode. Which means battles can be fast paced and hectic. But you always need to keep a level head in these situations and to always be mindful of your positioning. The enemies will project a red trajectory for where there attacks are going. So when you see them be sure to stay out of the way so that you don’t get hit with a powerful attack or status effects. In some boss battles, there are bosses that will release targetable objects. This usually means they are about to launch a powerful attack that would most likely kill some or all of your characters. Make sure to target these at once as defeating these objects will also stun the boss, allowing you to hit them with all that you’ve got.
Post Game
The game does not end after the credits roll so don’t assume that once you have saved your complete game file that the game is already done. If you open the game again with your complete save file, a new quest will activate for you to play. This will also allow you to unlock Class 4 of the game.
And there you have it. If you have other tips and tricks to add to this list, please feel free to drop a comment.
Trials of Mana is now available and you can read our review right here.