A new Vampire Survivors Director’s Cut has been spotted online and it has a lot of new content.
Vampire Survivors Director’s Cut Spotted
Twitter user Laura Kate has recently posted on her account details of this unique version of Vampire Survivors, a hit bullet hell game inspired by the classic Castlevania IP. She posted images of the game’s title screen, gameplay, and more. She even revealed videos showcasing the gameplay in action too.
More Content than Base Game
According to Laura, Director’s Cut is drastically different from the original game. It has more substantial content than the currently released DLCs on the base game. She revealed that she was at an event that was dedicated to having a group of individuals testing the upcoming co-op mode that is being planned to be added. She was later pulled aside to check out the game’s Director’s Cut.
New Level with Lots of Chickens
Director’s Cut had an interesting new level that featured 300 chickens to defeat. There are ten new characters, which looked like the various enemies that the base game characters need to kill while traversing a stage. These characters are a multi-limbed angel, a rose woman, an imp, Santa, werewolf, space man, big skull, constellation frog, angel, and a winged egg.
Game developer Story Kitchen has not given any comment on this new information about Vampire Survivor’s Director’s Cut.
Vampire Survivors is now available on mobile, PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.