Xbox 360 Marketplace Warning Closure in May was an ‘Error’ Confirms Microsoft

Some games are still departing.

Microsoft has recently released a statement to deny that Xbox 360 Marketplace is closing soon after a warning message was shown on certain Xbox’s support pages. They clarified that this message was an error and should be ignored.

Just recently, Reddit user Gpro2005 was going through the Xbox’s support pages for news on the Marketplace when one of the search results showed a message. It warned them that the marketplace was going to close down soon.

When clicking on the article, it would reportedly launch to another different message about the planned removal of certain digital Xbox 360 games and NOT about shutting down the Marketplace. This confused them, wondering which was the real announcement.

Microsoft has now clarified that the message of the marketplace shutting down was an error. Xbox Global Product Marketing Manager Bree Adams shared a statement to The Verge of the clarification.

“This message was posted in error and we can confirm the Xbox 360 marketplace will not close in May 2023,” Adams said. “As a reminder, beginning on February 7, 2023, a limited set of games, add-ons, and in-game content will no longer be purchasable in select markets via the Xbox 360 Store.”

xbox 360 marketplace

So do not panic: the classic Xbox 360 Marketplace is not going anywhere. Only a few digital titles will be going away.

Former News Editor