Xbox Blamed by Players After Several Periods of Server Downtime

New update incoming to make fixes.

Players have criticized Xbox after its servers have gone down over the weekend, which resulted in not able to boot games they already own.

The tech support of Xbox recently reported the issues just recently. The first one was on May 6, 2022 and then on Saturday morning and evening. Players were unable to launch their games and play them via the Xbox Cloud feature.

Many have complained on several social media platforms. Some big names have even done so including Xbox Presenter Parris Lilly. These players wanted transparency from Microsoft about its DRM policies.

Now recently, the Xbox Support reported that they have now seen significant improvement to the issue that everyone has experienced. They will be expecting a full mitigation in the coming days which will released together with a new upcoming update to the console.

No word yet if this will finally disable the DRM feature on Xbox consoles, but it is expected that it will happen when the update launches.

Former News Editor