Xbox Games with Gold September 2021 Lineup Announced

Get games as early as September 1, 2021.

Game company Microsoft has recently revealed the newest Xbox Games with Gold September 2021 lineup.

Four new games will be added to the Xbox Games with Gold gaming library for the month of September 2021. It includes Warhammer: Chaosbane and Mulaka for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S with Zone of the Enders HD Collection and Samurai Shodown II for the classic lineup via backwards compatibility feature.

Xbox Live Gold members will be able to have exclusive access to these games for a limited time only as part of Games with Gold service. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members will be able to gain access to these titles together with over 100 high-quality games as well.

Warhammer: Chaosbane has a price tag of $39.99 and can be availed starting September 1 until September 30, 2021. Mulaka is currently $19.99 and can be acquired starting September 16 until October 15, 2021. Zone of the Enders HD Collection is priced $29.99 only and can only be accessed starting September 1 to September 15, 2021. Lastly, Samurai Shodown II is only $9.99 and can be acquired starting September 16 until September 30, 2021 only.

Xbox Games with Gold game lineup for next month has been revealed.

Former News Editor