Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Ending Explained

What happens in the Tears of the Kingdom ending? Does Link succeed against Ganondorf? Will Zelda be okay? Find out the answers here.

Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom ending explained

If you’re curious about what happens in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ending, allow us to explain everything for you. Link goes through quite the journey with the revival of Ganondorf, who is threatening to envelop the entire world in darkness. Learn how this story ends and what happens.

Warning: This article contains major spoilers pertaining to the ending of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Read at your own risk.

A Final Battle With the Demon King

In the ending of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link successfully restores the Master Sword and uses it to defeat the Demon King, Ganondorf. Even though the Hero of Hyrule manages to best the Demon King in one-on-one combat, Ganondorf unleashes his final trick of transforming into a Demon Dragon. Princess Zelda, who is in her dragon form, comes in to aid Link against Ganondorf.

The entire final fight takes place above in the clouds, with Link jumping between Ganondorf’s Demon Dragon and Princess Zelda’s Light Dragon to defeat the Demon King by damaging the Eyes of Malice spread around his dragon form. Once Link is on top of the Light Dragon, he can mount her and control where she moves for a short time. This allows him to position himself above the Demon Dragon and drop down from above while damaging the projectiles Ganondorf sends his way.

Link and the Light Dragon vs Demon Dragon

After all the Eyes of Malice have been destroyed, Link moves to destroy the secret stone on top of the Demon Dragon, which finally puts Ganondorf down for good and restores peace to Hyrule. However, not everything is fine because Zelda is weakening because of her participation in the final battle.

After the battle with Ganondorf, Link concentrates the power of his arm given to him by Rauru to heal Zelda’s dragon form. As soon as Link does, the spectral forms of Rauru and Hylia both appear at his side to help him. With their powers combined, Link not only heals Princess Zelda but also restores her to her original form.

This is a big deal, as the previous events leading up to this moment assured us that the Light Dragon form Zelda willingly turned herself into was permanent. However, Link was able to revert her back to herself again after a supposedly unbreakable spell. Once the spell is broken, both Rauru and Sonia hold hands as they gently disappear, causing the arena around Link to dissolve.

Link awakens from a free fall and immediately spots Zelda, who is now back to herself again, falling unconscious beneath him. He dives faster in order to catch her, this time being able to successfully do so in contrast to her failure to grab her at the beginning of the game. Link pulls Zelda into a tight hug as they land on a small lake. The Hero of Hyrule is next seen carrying Princess Zelda out of the water before laying her down on the grass.

Link Catches Zelda in the Tears of the Kingdom ending

As Link and Zelda stare at the distance to the Hyrule castle that’s now free of the corruption from Ganondorf, the princess tells Link that she’s been dreaming the entire time. Zelda gives him her thanks before the game properly reaches its ending.

Tears of the Kingdom Post Credits

After the credits, Link and his friends arrive at a huge structure in the sky and are greeted by Mineru, who wants to share the view with them. Mineru tells Link and his companions about how Zelda managed to transform back to her original form, which she explains is thanks to Rauru and Sonia’s ability to channel their powers through Link. She tells them that they no longer need her assistance because they’ve proven themselves capable.

As Zelda turns around, the new champions of Hyrule pledge to support her and safeguard the land. Mineru is satisfied with this and tells them that Rauru and Sonia will be happy to hear of it. She thanks the heroes one last time before her spiritual projection finally joins her brethren.

And that’s the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ending explained. This article should clarify what happened in detail. Also, learn more about Tears of the Kingdom from our other guides.

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