DOOM Eternal Anniversary Skin For Slayers Club Members Free

Doom Eternal Anniversary Skin

Game company Bethesda recently revealed that members of the Slayers Club can unlock access to the 25th Anniversary Skin for the upcoming video game DOOM Eternal.

DOOM Eternal free skin for members

The members can gain access to the Anniversary Skin for the upcoming video game. The skin is in grey color, which makes the Slayer have that ultimate monochromatic look.

What the fans need to do in order to access the skin is to sign up for the Slayers Club and reach the DOOM Slayer rank. The rank can be attained by earning points, which come from being an active member of the Slayers Club. Members can obtain points by visiting the Slayer Club forum, reading articles on the website, taking part in polls, and submitting fan art. Members can then don the skin when the game launches next spring.

Joining Slayers Club is all free. The Club allows fans to follow the popular FPS franchise, come together as a community, and celebrate what they love.

The upcoming game will launch on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. It will be released on March 20, 2020.

Source: via PlayStationLifestyle

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