Genshin Impact’s latest event is about to begin and I’m sure all you Travelers can’t wait to become Labyrinth Warriors! For this event, Travelers will be venturing deep into the bizarre and unpredictable Mystic Onmyou Chamber whose great gates have opened and Travelers can face the fearsome monsters that have been imprisoned within. Travelers will be aiding Shiki Taishou in retrieving pieces of his memories that are scattered in the labyrinth. You will also be able to explore the past and claim the treasures of the domain while you’re at it.

Genshin Impact Labyrinth Warriors Event Duration
The entire gameplay’s event duration will be from Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10:00 (Server Time) – Monday, November 8, 2021, at 03:59 (Server Time).
The entire Event Shop’s duration will be from Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10:00 (Server Time) – Monday, November 15, 2021, at 03:59 (Server Time).
Breakdown for the Gameplay Duration
- The Ominous Demesne – Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10:00 (Server Time)
- The Brutal Divergence – Sunday, October 24, 2021, at 04:00 (Server Time)
- The Vengeful Wood – Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 04:00 (Server Time)
- The Echoes of Extinction – Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 04:00 (Server Time)
- The Rending Absolution – Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 04:00 (Server Time)
They will all end on Monday, November 8, 2021, at 03:59 (Server Time).
Breakdown for the Event Shop Duration
- Trial Trove: I – Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 10:00 (Server Time)
- Trial Trove: II – Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 04:00 (Server Time)
Both Trial Troves will end on Monday, November 15, 2021, at 03:59 (Server Time)
Requirements and Eligibility for Labyrinth Warriors Event
In order for you to be eligible to take part in the event, you’re gonna need to get your Adventure Rank to at least level 30 and you need to have done all of Archon Quest Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals.

Gameplay Summary
Travelers can check their map to see which direction they need to go in order to enter the Mystic Onmyou Chamber Domain with Shiki Taishou and face the challenges that are awaiting their arrival.
Once you’re in you will need to set up your team and Shikifuda’s Charm magic which can give everyone some powerful buffs in the trial. It is important to note that you can’t change the party’s equipment and Shiki Taishou’s Charm Magic and Shikifuda while the trial is underway.
After that, all you need to do is just get in the trial, explore the rooms and complete the “Decisive Emplacement” challenge.
Every three days beginning on the first day of the event, a new challenge stage will become available. There will be a total of five challenge stages unlocked. Check out the full guides on each of the stages below:
Stage 1: Labyrinth Warriors – The Ominous Demesne
Stage 2: Labyrinth Warriors – The Brutal Divergence
Stage 3: Labyrinth Warriors – The Vengeful Wood
Stage 4: Labyrinth Warriors – The Echoes of Extinction
Stage 5: Labyrinth Warriors – The Rending Absolution
Trial Preparation for Labyrinth Warriors Event

So when you’re setting up your parties, the participating characters will be split into “Combat” and “Support” parties. The “Combat” team will be the first to get the action going while the “Support” team will be there if anyone needs to sub out.
Travelers will also need to pick which Shikifuda to bring. Each Shikifuda has its own uses like ones for fighting the enemy, giving buffs to your characters, or healing the party. You can only pick 3 out of 9 possible ones so bring the ones that best fit your battle plan.
Here are the different Shikifuda you can use:
How to Complete Trial and Rooms in Genshin Impact Labyrinth Warriors
Domain Trial
The domain will be divided into two floors and each with multiple rooms for Travelers to explore. There will also be traps hidden throughout the rooms during the trials. There are many kinds of traps like an explosion trap or one that’ll give you one of the Cursed Seal’s debuff.

Trial Objective
Once the trial starts, Travelers can use the map to locate which room has the “Decisive Emplacement”. Then you have the do the Emplacement’s challenge in order to move on to the next floor. Once you’ve done all the challenges of all the Emplacement’s in the domain then the trial will be marked as complete.
You can click the Special Environment button that’s on the left part of your minimap, in order for you to check the details of the current trial zone and check the areas you’ve explored as well as the surrounding rooms in the area.
How to check detailed instructions
For mobile users just follow the instructions above.
For PlayStation users, you can press L1 + Down on your controller.
For PC users you can press the U-key.
Explore the Rooms
While the trial is ongoing, rooms will have either chests or special Emplacement mechanisms such as having enemies appear or healing and reviving characters as well as reconfiguring the team.
Here’s what you can expect from the rooms:
- Gate – Starting Room.
- Chest – Room will contain a treasure chest.
- Curative Emplacement – Heal and Revive Characters as well as configure the team.
- Ferocious Emplacement – Summons enemies.
- Arrayed Emplacement – Summons enemies.
- Charm Emplacement – Draw a Charm.
- Decisive Emplacement – Summons a powerful enemy.
Travelers can redraw charms if they don’t see any charms that they want by consuming a Battered Shikifuda which can be obtained by completing some of the trial’s challenges. There is however a chance that players may encounter a Cursed Seal which will give Travelers a debuff.
Travelers can choose the “Leave for Now” option to leave the trial and take a break while keeping their progress intact for them to continue later. For those who want to just end all the progress of their trial then they need to select the “End Trial” option to reset the trial’s progress.
How to Enhance Charm Magic
In order to enhance various elements of Shiki Taishou’s Charm Magic, Travelers will need to use Damaged Replicas which they can get simply from exploring the Domain and completing the various challenges.

How to Pass Martial Trials
Martial Trials are basically just extra challenges that you can do while you’re doing a trial. These Martial Trials have their own sets of juicy rewards with Primogems, Hero’s Wits, and Mora just waiting to be claimed by Travelers.

Here are the Martial Trials:
- Destroy 50 objects – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Defeat 200 opponents – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Obtain a total of 10 Safeguarding Spirits that provide attack and healing buffs – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Ignite 20 Explosive Barrels – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Draw 40 Charms of a higher level – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Draw 10 Charms of the highest level – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Upgrade Charm Magic: Purity to the highest level possible – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Upgrade Charm Magic: Ingenuityto the highest level possible – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete “The Brutal Divergence” without using any Curative Emplacements to heal anyone – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete “The Ominous Demesne” without using any Curative Emplacements to heal anyone – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete ” The Brutal Divergence” with 0 deaths – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete “The Ominous Demesne” with 0 deaths – 30 primogems, 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete “The Echoes of Extinction” with no more than 6 party members – 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
- Complete “The Vengeful Wood” with no more than 6 party members – 2 Hero’s Wits, and 20,000 Mora.
Genshin Impact Labyrinth Warriors Event Rewards
Once Travelers complete the trials, they’ll be rewarded with Aged Tokens which can be traded for Trial Trove rewards.
Trial Trove 1:
- Crown of Insight (1 Stock) – 1000 Aged Tokens
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment Varunada Lazurite Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
- Agnidus Agate Fragment Agnidus Agate Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
- Shivada Jade Fragment Shivada Jade Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
- Vajrada Amethyst Fragment Vajrada Amethyst Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
- Prithiva Topaz Fragment Prithiva Topaz Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
- Vayuda Turquoise Fragment Vayuda Turquoise Fragment (6 Stocks) – 6 Aged Tokens
Trial Trove 2:
- Primogem ×60 – 120 Aged Tokens
- Philosophies of Transience Philosophies of Transience – 120 Aged Tokens
- Philosophies of Light Philosophies of Light – 120 Aged Tokens
- Philosophies of Elegance Philosophies of Elegance – 120 Aged Tokens
- Guide to Light Guide to Light – 40 Aged Tokens
- Guide to Transience Guide to Transience – 40 Aged Tokens
- Guide to Elegance Guide to Elegance – 40 Aged Tokens
- Hero’s Wit Hero’s Wit – 20 Aged Tokens
- Mora Mora ×10000 – 20 Aged Tokens
- Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore – 10 Aged Tokens

Players can also do the quest “Path of Taishou” in order to unlock the 4-star Pyro claymore user, Xinyan. Players will also need to have collected 4,000 Aged Tokens for the exchange and then they can spend 1,000 of those Aged Tokens to invite her. It’s important to note that for the 4,000 Aged Tokens accumulation, the number of Tokens you have accumulated won’t be reduced when you spend it on anything that costs Aged Tokens be it primogems or the other rewards in the Trial Trove.
So that’s basically it for the event. For more guides on Genshin Impact, you can check out our Aloy guide or our fishing guide, or even more here.
Other Genshin Impact Guides
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