Slitherine Software has recently announced the launch of the new Starship Troopers Terran Command free content update.
The new Chemical Reaction free content update is finally available to download for the real-time strategy hit Starship Troopers Terran Command. It is designed to spotlight the newly introduced high-score system.
“An incredible amount of constructive feedback backed the tremendous success of Starship Troopers. Our first goal is to address a big part of that feedback by giving players content they want to play and reconnect them with the game as much as we can”, said Marco A. Minoli, CMO at Slitherine. “The development studio, The Artistocrats, are working hard to improve the game, create more content, and increase replayability, while keeping the community active and captivated”.
The Free Chemical Reaction Update includes:
- Three new scenarios, two of which make use of a new high-score system;
- one new unit type: Chemical Troopers; this unit is currently only available in the new scenarios, but there are plans to include it in future content as well. It’s a squad of expert troopers using biochemical weapons, which they use to great effect for exterminating anything with more than two legs;
- the Target Priority setting (TPS); units can be set to prioritize firing at specific enemy types instead of aiming for the nearest target. For instance, if you want to automatically target Spitter Bugs with your Snipers, TPS allows you to avoid that level of micromanagement.

Starship Troopers Terran Command is now available on PC with the new update released.
Source: Press Release