Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough: Combined Forces

This guide goes through the events of Combined Forces in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough Combined Forces

Combined Forces is the nineteenth chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. The time has come to strike at the poachers led by Harding as the young Sarentu and the Zeswa raid one of the biggest RDA facilities. Read ahead as we go through the events of Combined Forces in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.

See previous: Chapter 18 – Call to Battle

Go to Zakru’s Promise camp in The Stone Hold

Go to Zakru's Promise camp in The Stone Hold - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Head to the zakru’s Promise camp in the Stone Hold. You will also reach out to Alma informing her about the current situation and that the Zeswa is out for revenge. Alma pledges to prepare reinforcements to help the Zeswa as they are allies.

Go to the Extractor Plant in the Stone Hold

Extractor Plant Location - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Once you reach the camp, you are met by the Zeswa fighters who are preparing to raid the nearby extractor plant.

Extractor Plant Path - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Make your way over to the extractor plant, but try not to get within their anti-air turrets’ range. Land on a safe area and make the rest of the way on foot.

Defeat the Extractor Plant

Get close to the perimeter of the plant and prepare to deal with the defenses as well as soldiers. Teylan suggests that you will have to find a way to get down into the injectors of the extractor plant.

Enter the Loading Bay of the Extractor Plant

Enter the Loading Bay - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Find a sewer opening near the east side of the plant and use it to get into the Loading Bay.

Take down AMPs - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

You’ll emerge in the middle of the outdoor bay which has patrols all over, so find the right timing to get out, then immediately find cover. Take down the AMPs and soldiers one by one until the outside area is clear.

Mine Elevator - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Go inside the bay and take care of the remaining soldiers, then head towards the Gas Mine Elevator shaft to reach the Gas Mines.

Enter the Gas Mine area in the Extractor Plant

Break vent to go through gas mines - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

In the elevator shaft, look for a vent that you can break, then crawl through it.

Pull down the lever - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Look for a lever to your left and pull it down to open the door nearby. Then, make your way down into the mines.

Sabotage the Area A/Area B/Area C injectors in the Extractor Plant

clear out the area - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Teylan advises that you should take care of the pumps first before sabotaging the injectors and that you have to do them in quick succession, or else the pumps will reset if you take too long.

First off, clear out the area from the patrolling soldiers guarding the pump and the extractor.

Shut off the pump - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Then, locate the pump and pull the lever down to shut it off.

Sabotage Injector Panel - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Finally, go to the injector’s panel and sabotage it. Move away from the injector before it explodes.

Do these steps for both Areas A and B, then you’ll have to sabotage two injectors in Area C after shutting off the pump. After shutting down Area C, be prepared to find some cover as there will be soldiers coming into the area to check.

Reach the Processing Area of the Extractor Plant

Elevator - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Head into the next area where the elevators are and jump up to the platform on the side to reach a vent. Crawl into the next room to find a container that has the Zeswa Riding Greaves.

Yellow Machine - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

You will need to get on the yellow machine, then jump on to the yellow pipes to reach the platform up above.

Then, go through the next vent you see and then jump towards the elevator platform up ahead. Jump up the crates and then jump towards the next elevator platform to reach the next vent.

Follow yellow pipes - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

In the next room, jump up the yellow machine and then head towards the yellow pipes above. Follow the pipes to find another vent that leads to the top of the elevator.

Take out the two soldiers up ahead, then find the lever next to the door and pull it to get to the next area.

Canteen that leads to Processing area - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Pass through the canteen to reach the hall that leads to Processing.

Survive the ambush

Soldiers will be coming into the Processing Area. Stay on the high ground and defeat the waves of soldiers that rush in.

Reach Processing Room B in the Extractor Plant

Make your way to Processing Room B, and as you open the next door, prepare to face more soldiers. Don’t rush in yet and use the doorway as a choke point for the soldiers.

Shoot the extraction fluid pipes in the Extractor Plant

Shoot the extraction fluid pipes in the Extractor Plant - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Scan the room to see the pipes that you need to shoot. Shoot all six of these pipes to release the volatile gas in the air.

Reach the Extraction Fluid Production Room of the Extractor Plant

After destroying all the pipes, head into Production and pull the lever to open the gate. Check the next room up ahead to stock up on ammo, materials, and consumables.

Disable the lockdown measure in the Extractor Plant

Disable the lockdown measure in the Extractor Plant - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Once you get to the end of the hall, the facility will be placed on lockdown and you cannot get into the next area.

SID Scan - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Use your SID to scan the wire that run on the wall. Follow this wire until you reach the panel. Smash this panel so that you can align the frequency on the panel that is next to the locked gate.

transmission call from Harding with Mercer - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

You’ll see a transmission call from Harding with Mercer furious at her and telling her to fall back.

Go to the next area where there are a lot of AMPs, but they will be subdued by the Zeswa forces, so you can proceed safely.

Go inside the Control Center and find the vent on the far right end of the room. Go through the vent and climb up the pipes to get into the next room where you can find a Chest Guard mod inside a container. You can also search the terminal underneath the large display to find an RDA Duty Rosters.

Hack into the terminal - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Hack into the terminal nearby to open the door. Back in the previous room, the door leading to the next room is jammed, but it opens up enough for you to get a shot into the next room.

Shoot and destroy the panel - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Use your SID to scan into the next room to help you find the panel, then aim your shot through the jammed door to destroy the panel. You can then head back out and then align the frequency at the Production gate to open the gate.

Shoot the pipes on chemical mixer 1/chemical mixer 2 in the Extractor Plant

Continue towards the Production Room and Teylan will give you instructions on how to deal with the tanks. You will first have to break the pipes then close the valve to build up pressure.

clear the production room area - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Once you reach the Production Room, you’ll find that there are several AMPs guarding the area. Take all of them out first, then you can work on the objectives.

destroy smaller tanks - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Look for the pipes on the legs of the two smaller tanks and destroy them. There are two pipes to destroy per tank. Once done, more AMPs will come into the room, so take them out first before moving on to the next objective.

Close Pressure Valve A in the Extractor Plant

Close Pressure Valve A in the Extractor Plant - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Climb up to the upper decks where you can find Valve A. Turn the wheel to close it. More AMPs will be moving into the room, so go take cover and take all of them out.

Shoot the pipes on chemical mixer 3/chemical mixer 4 in the Extractor Plant

Head up the upper decks behind the large tank to reach the next set of chemical mixers. Same as before, shoot the pipes on the two tanks first, anticipate for more AMPs coming in, then look for Valve B to shut it down. Scramble for cover right after as more AMPs will flood the room.

Find a control room and activate the gas venting procedure in the Extractor Plant

Look for the next path by the southwest side and continue down into the locker area. Clear out the area from soldiers, then hack the terminal in the middle of the room to vent out the gas.

Destroy the pressure release valves in the Extractor Plant

Head to the other side of the room to get back to the main tank room from earlier. This time, additional AMPs have arrived to guard the tanks. Clear them out to make the next part easier.

destroy the valve opening - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

The tank has four pressure release valves on all of its sides. These open up in intervals, and once a valve opens, shoot it to destroy it.

Exit the Extractor

Exit the Extractor - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

After destroying all four release valves, you need to immediately make your way out of the facility before it explodes. Go to the ground floor of the tank room and head through the exhaust vent and follow the path until you make it out.

Meet up with Alma back at Zakru’s Promise camp

Meet up with Alma back at Zakru's Promise camp - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Head back to the Zakru’s Promise camp and talk to Alma to proceed. She will invite you to talk to the sisters at the tent.

Talk to the sisters inside the tent at Zakru’s Promise

Talk to the sisters inside the tent at Zakru's Promise - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Combined Forces Walkthrough

Talk to the sisters about the success of the raid on the RDA facility. This will then conclude the chapter and officially makes the Zeswa join the resistance. You will be rewarded with the Kite Builder Waistguard and the Ikran Pattern 01. You will also earn more Clan Favor, plus 3 skill points.

See next: Chapter 20 – A Victory Celebration

Staff Writer