Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough: Pushing Back

This guide goes through the events of Pushing Back in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough Pushing Back

Pushing Back is the thirteenth chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Destroying the survey balloons was not enough, so the young Sarentu heads over to the nearby drill site along with Etuwa to destroy the source of the signal. Read ahead as we go through the events of Pushing Back in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.

See previous: Chapter 12 – Those Who Guide Us

Locate the RDA aerial devices in the sky

Locate the RDA aerial devices in the sky - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

You call Priya to get help on how to deal with the devices that have been disrupting the kinglor’s food cycle. Priya advises to locate one of these aerial devices and scan it so that she can analyze what they do.

Spool Island - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Head over to Spool Island, southeast of the Silk Woods, to find one of the aerial devices. Once you find one, land on top of it and locate its terminal.

Hack and destroy RDA’s aerial devices

Hack and destroy RDA's aerial devices - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Use your SID to hack into the balloon’s terminal. Do it quickly, as Priya detected an RDA presence closing in on your location. After hacking a balloon, it will reveal the power source on the platform.

Shoot the power source - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Ride on your ikran, then shoot the power source. Immediately fly away to avoid the blast from the balloon.

Balloon Data - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Teylan then looks at the data you gathered from hacking the balloon and finds out that it is used to survey the land for mineral deposits and oil. Go to another balloon, hack it, and then destroy it.

Third Balloon - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

The third balloon is guarded by RDA choppers. Shoot them down first before landing on the next balloon. After destroying the third balloon, you check back with Teylan, but he reveals that the signal has not gone down and you need to go to the source.

Join Etuwa on the overlook to the south of Rising Spires

Join Etuwa - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

You figured that the signal must be coming from the RDA site at the stone pillars where Etuwa is. The location is northwest of the Hydro-Oil Extractor Alpha.

Raid the RDA Facility - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Once you meet up with Etuwa, she will then fly out and draw the fire from the choppers, making the raid on the facility easier for you.

Shut down the drill towers

Shut down the drill towers - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Head out to the two drill towers and shut them down by pulling the lever on their panels.

Close the external cooling pool’s water pipeline

Close the external cooling pool's water pipeline - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

The water pipeline’s pump can be found in the northeast section. Follow the large pipes, and you’ll find the pump. Locate the water pipeline valve and turn it to shut down the pump. Check the chest nearby, and you’ll get the Seed Gatherer’s Pouch waistcloth mod.

Turn off the internal generators

Turn off the internal generators - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

The generator can be found in the room located in the middle of the site. Pull the lever to shut off the generator.

Defeat Hydro-Oil Extractor Alpha / Hack the antenna at the top of Hydro-Oil Extractor Alpha outpost

Despite shutting down most of the operation at the drill site, Teylan still sees that the signal has not gone down. He suggests that you overload the drill site instead.

Hack the antenna Hydro-Oil Extractor - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Fly up to the highest point of the drill site, where you will find the antenna. Use your SID on the two dish antennae to align their frequencies, then go to the main antenna to hack it.

Defeat Hydro-Oil Extractor Alpha - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Once you’re on the hacking screen, you will need to travel to the key nodes first, which will unlock the paths that lead to the goal. This will then overload the antenna and cut out its signal.

Etuwa vs chopper battle - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

While this is happening, Etuwa and her ikran are still busy fighting against a chopper when they latch on to it, causing the chopper to crash.

Track the scent of Etuwa’s ikran to find and help her

Head to the location where the crash happened, and use your senses to locate Etuwa and her ikran. You’ll lose the scent and get into another encounter with more RDA soldiers. After eliminating the soldiers, continue tracking the scent, and you will find Etuwa at the crash site.

Check on Etuwa

Check on Etuwa - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

As you get to the crash site, you see Etuwa badly injured and unconscious, guarded by her ikran Talu. You then decide to get help from the Aranahe to save Etuwa.

Talk to Ka’nat, the Aranahe olo’eyktan, in Hometree

Talk to Ka'nat, in Hometree - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Head back to the Hometree and go to the Council Room to talk to Ka’nat. As you tell him about Etuwa, he gets furious at you, but suddenly, Talu flies in and crashes into the room, bringing Etuwa with her.

Etuwa Returns at Hometree Injured - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

Etuwa wakes up just in time to stop the guards from attacking you. She then tells you what you did at the drill site, while Nefika notices that the kinglor are once again feeding on their own. These were enough to finally convince Ka’nat to join the Resistance once again to fight the Sky People.

Go to war with Aranahe clan - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Pushing Back Walkthrough

The chapter ends with the Aranahe preparing for the fight. As a reward, you will receive the Weaver Headband and its recipe, and unlock the Ikran Pattern 02. You will also gain more Clan Favor and 2 skill points. You will also receive the Songcord Bead – The Aranahe’s Vow.

See next: Chapter 14 – The Wandering Clan

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