Bend Studio Worked Hard to Launch Days Gone on Release Day says Director

While a former director says bad things, the current director defends the team.

The current Days Gone director has defended the Bend Studio team in releasing the game on day one.

Former Days Gone Director John Garvin recently made a controversial statement in regard to the game’s bad review scores in the beginning. He says it was due to woke reviewers and reviewers who did not bother actually to play the game. He also blamed the developers for tech issues like bugs, streaming, and frame rate. It is all thanks to those, the scores were low and reception was not that good.

Days Gone Director Jeff Ross was quick to share his own opinion in regard to the controversial statement. He said that the studio only has a small team but has incredibly talented engineers who have “punched way above their weight class” to complete the game.

“One engineer single-handedly coded all sound, music, weapon, melee combat, and localisation systems,” Ross continued. “Another engineer was SINGULARLY responsible for all animation systems, physics, the motorcycle, AND the horde – which is just insane.”

Days Gone is now available on PC and PS4.

Former News Editor