Bungie is Working on Some Secret Projects with Sony

Destiny 3? New game? More live service games?

Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Devilish Recording cover

Destiny franchise developer Bungie is actually working on numerous secret projects with the help of parent company Sony.

Aside from its current live service game Destiny 2, Bungie has confirmed to be working on a number of unannounced projects. The most interesting part of this statement from Creative Lead Tom Farnsworth is the company helping out Bungie, which is Sony.

Way back in 2021, Bungie promised to bring at least one new IP to the gaming market before 2025 arrives. Well, it is now more than one and with the help of its parent company, the number could be quite a lot, if they have the manpower.

Bungie is widely known for being the creators of Xbox’s Halo and its current “baby”, the Destiny series, so this new IP could be of the same genre, a third-person shooter with online multiplayer functions. It also needs to be sci-fi.

Why Sony is involved, you ask? Before the Bungie deal was completed, CEO Kenichiro Yoshida stated that their acquisition of the developer was due to its desire for PlayStation to become more multiplatform.

The big game publisher is also planning to release 12 live service games in the market by its fiscal year ending in March 2026. Sony has big plans with live service games.

Are we going to get Destiny 3 among the unannounced games? Will there be new IPs too? Stay tuned.

Former News Editor