CDPR Let’s Employees Work From Home Amidst COVID-19

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand

With a virus running around rampant, a lot of companies out there are telling their employees to just work at home for safety measures. Electronic Arts is one of those companies with only critical employees onsite in their buildings. Now, CD Projekt Red has also joined the list of letting their employees work at home.

CD Projekt Red, the developers of the all time hailed game, Witcher 3, and developers for the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077, tells people not to worry about their projects. Cyberpunk 2077 is still expected for a September release. They recently informed the online community of this via a tweet.

CDPR goes on to say that they’re willing to let their employees work remotely for as long as necessary in order to keep them safe. Who knows if other game developers would follow in their footsteps to let employees work from home?

Despite the initial five month delay, it seems that Cyberpunk 2077 is still set on track for September 17th, 2020. There doesn’t seem to be any signs of another delay in the future, as the game has already been submitted for an age rating much sooner than expected.

Source: IGN

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