What Are Doctrines in Cult Of The Lamb?
Doctrines are rules and commandments that your Cult Followers will need to abide by in the game. There are times that these rules make you a benevolent leader and sometimes make you an overbearing tyrant. There are benefits when setting your Doctrines but it depends on the choices and decisions on what one makes as they will affect how you progress in the story.
Keep in mind, that once a Doctrine is set, it can’t be changed so players must live with the choices they make.

How To Unlock a Doctrine in Cult Of The Lamb
To unlock a Doctrine, players will need Old Stone Fragments that can be acquired through Old Faith dungeons. At least 3 fragments are needed to make a whole commandment so once the requirements are met, players will need to go to the Temple and search for the Alter. Players will then need to select a Crown option and choose one of the 5 Doctrine Categories on the screen.
All 5 Doctrines in Cult Of The Lamb
There are 5 types of Doctrines that players can choose from and each Doctrine has its specialty and its own set of rituals that can be unlocked easily. The 5 Doctrines and what are its unlockables are the following:

This doctrine focuses on the death of the followers which are caused by natural causes or more. Once a Doctrine is fully upgraded and all Tiers are unlocked, players will gain 2 Traits, a Ritual, and a new building.
Afterlife Doctrine Unlockables
Tier I | Belief in Sacrifice Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & when a follower is sacrificed, gain +20 Faith | Belief in Afterlife Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & When a follower dies, loses only -5 Faith instead of -20 |
Tier II | Ritual of Resurrection – Unlocks the ritual to Bring a Dead Follower To Life | Funeral – Conduct a Funeral for a recently passed Follower & gain +20 Faith |
Tier III | Respect Your Elders – All cult members will gain this trait & all followers will gain +5 Faith for each elder in the cult. | The Good Die Young – All cult members will gain this trait & when an elder is murdered, sacrificed, or consumed, gain +10 Faith but loses -20 Faith when an elder dies naturally |
Tier IV | Return to the Earth – A new building will be unlocked that lets the corpses of dead followers become fertilizer for the earth. | Grieve the Fallen A new building will be unlocked that lets followers grieve at the grave & gain +2 Faith. |

This doctrine will be helpful as it improves the work productivity of your cult in the long run and makes resource collecting more efficient. Once all tiers are unlocked, players will gain access to Two Traits, four Rituals, and two Follower Commands.
Work & Worship Doctrine Unlockables
Tier I | Faithful Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will generate faith devotion 15% faster. | Industrious Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will increase work speed by 15%. |
Tier II | Inspire – Unlocks this command that allows players to inspire a follower to significantly increase their loyalty but will replace the Bless action. | Intimidate – Unlocks this command that allows players to slightly increase a follower’s loyalty and make them work harder for 2 days but will replace the Bless action. |
Tier III | The Glory of Construction – Unlocks the ritual to Instantly build all structures currently under construction | Ritual of Enlightenment – Unlocks the ritual to Temporarily increase Devotion Generation Speed at your shine by 20% for 3 days |
Tier IV | Glory Through Toil Ritual – Unlocks the ritual for Followers to work 3 days and nights without getting tired | Holy Day – Unlocks the ritual for Your Followers Will Not Work For A Day & Gain +80 Faith |

A materialistic doctrine that focuses on donations from your followers and makes them more focused on material gathering and building sites. Once all tiers are unlocked, players will gain access to Four Traits, Two Rituals, and two Follower Actions.
Possessions Doctrine Unlockables
Tier I | Extort Tithes – Unlocks the follower action to extort a follower by receiving a gold coin from them per day | Bribe Follower – Unlocks the follower action to bribe followers by receiving 3 coins to increase their Loyalty |
Tier II | Belief in Materialism Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will gain more faith when building better sleeping quarters | Belief in False Idols Trait — All cult members will gain this trait & will gain more faith when placing a decoration building |
Tier III | Alms for The Poor – Unlocks the ritual to Distribute Gold To Your Followers To Increase Their Loyalty & Gain +10 Faith | Ritual of Enrichment – Unlocks the ritual for All Followers to Give Gold To You |
Tier IV | Sacral Architecture – All cult members will gain this trait & will gain +5 faith when a new building is constructed | Devotee Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will gain more faith when a sermon is being delivered |

As it implies, it’s a very militaristic and strict law that keeps your followers in check. Those who disobey the laws implored by this doctrine will be removed through Rituals such as weddings, fight arenas, and more. Once all tiers are unlocked, players will gain access to Two Traits, Four Rituals, One Follower Command, and One Follower Actions.
Law & Order Doctrine Unlockables
Tier I | Murder Follower – Unlocks the follower action to command your follower to do what it’s titled to do. A simple solution but other following members will find it upsetting if they see it. | Ascend Follower Ritual – Unlocks the ritual to Ascend a Followers Spirit to a Higher Plane of Existence & All Followers Will Gain Loyalty |
Tier II | Ritualistic Fight Pit – Unlocks the ritual to Command 2 Followers to fight to the death – unless, of course, you decide to show mercy | Wedding – Unlocks the ritual to Marry One Of Your Followers & Gain +30 Faith |
Tier III | Belief in Original Sin Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will believe that all are born a sinner. Reduces faith loss when a follower is put into jail who is not dissenting. | Belief in Absolution Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & that every day that begins without anyone going to jail, gain +10 faith. |
Tier IV | Loyalty Enforcer – Unlocks the ritual To Appoint a Follower as your Loyalty Enforcer, tasked with patrolling the Cult and raising the Loyalty of your Followers. | Tax Enforcer – Unlocks the ritual To Appoint a Follower as your Tax Enforcer. They Will Gather Gold From Other Cult members |

Health benefits are mostly focused on this doctrine as it keeps your followers healthy and makes them live longer. Once all tiers are unlocked, players will gain access to Five Traits & Three Rituals.
Sustenance Doctrine Unlockables
Tier I | Ritual Fast – Unlocks the ritual in which All Followers Will Not Eat For 3 Days | Feasting Ritual – Unlocks the ritual in which You Will Throw A Feast for Your Followers to Completely Fill Up the Cult’s Hunger & Gain +30 Faith |
Tier II | Cannibal Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will gain +5 Faith when eating the meat of a fellow follower. | Grass Eater Trait – All cult members will gain this trait & will receive no faith reduction from eating meals made from grass. |
Tier III | Ritual of the Harvest – Unlocks the ritual in which All Sown Farm Plots will immediately be ready for harvest | Ritual of the Ocean’s Bounty – Unlocks the ritual to Catch Double Fish For 2 Days & Special Fish Will Be More Common |
Tier IV | Substances Encouraged – All cult members will gain this trait & gain +20 faith when the Brainwashing Ritual is performed | Belief in Prohibition – All cult members will gain this trait & will gain 10% more speed in work and devotion generation but will have a 50% chance of getting sick if the Brainwashing Ritual is performed |
To see the video walkthrough of all the doctrines and to know how to unlock them, check out this video made by Hopereza Gaming:
Cult of the Lamb is now available to play on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 & PC via Steam. For More guides, please visit the Sirus Gaming website to explore the Cult of The Lamb world.