Demon’s Souls Creative Director Gavin Moore recently shared another detail in an interview with The Washington Post together with other developers about the upcoming video game remake.

According to Moore, players will not have to worry about getting lost whether in basic mechanics or the location they are currently at right now. The game will offer over 180 help videos for them to choose. They will act as guides on how to complete a specific section in this game. This is also a new feature that the PlayStation 5 will be offering for the PS+ members.
Moore revealed that the game will have “increasing levels of visibility into what’s needed to complete portions of the game, available via the interface.” Players will not need to leave the screen anymore in order to get some help. They can get these helpful tips regarding certain tasks, but it will not spoil the gameplay of course.
Demon’s Souls is coming November 12 exclusively for the PlayStation 5.
Source: The Washington Post