Destiny 2 Cutscenes Archive Slowly Getting More Videos on Official Channel

Watch your favorite cutscenes right now!

Destiny 2 Under Siege cover

Bungie has recently revealed that it has slowly added more videos to the Destiny 2 Cutscenes Archive on the official YouTube channel and everyone can watch them anytime.

Throughout the years, fans of the Destiny series love its story from the original to the sequel and its new expansions. These stories have their own cutscenes which fans would love to rewatch if they were available, but unfortunately, some of them have been removed already after the campaigns were over. Bungie is now making amends for that by making an effort of creating an archive for all Destiny 2 cutscenes and most of them can be seen now on the official YouTube channel.

Currently, the Destiny 2 Cutscenes Archive starts with Season 15 – Season of the Lost and up to Season 19 – Season of the Seraph. Bungie promises that most of the cutscenes will eventually be uploaded in the near future. They are planning to add one or two Seasons every few months.

Players who want to watch the videos for nostalgia, check the official YouTube channel now or check out the videos posted above.

Destiny 2 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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