Ever since the introduction of the Stasis subclass to Destiny 2 with the latest expansion of Beyond Light, there has been a lot of sour sentiment from the PvP community of the game. While Stasis has been embraced by the PvE side of the game it the PvP community faced the full wrath of the subclass where players can freeze each other without much skill. Ever since the expansion in November, there have been steady nerfs to the subclass but nothing really helped.
This brings us to Season of the Splicer where the Game company Bungie has announced massive nerfs to Stasis in order to finally reel the crowd control subclass in PvP. In their latest TWAB they have mentioned the following nerfs to each aspect.
Stasis Freeze
- Reduced duration of all non-Super freezes vs. players to 1.35s.Note: This freeze is too short to break out of, so breaking out is now only possible when frozen by a Super.
- Reduced Special-weapon, Heavy-weapon, and Light-ability bonus damage vs. frozen players from +50% to +5%.
Stasis Slow
- No longer reduces weapon accuracy.
- No longer suppresses class ability and air moves (e.g., Icarus Dash).
- Reduced movement speed penalty while slowed by ~20%.
Whisper of Hedrons Fragment
- No longer increases weapon damage after freezing.
- Now increases weapon stability, weapon aim assist, Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery after freezing.
Whisper of Rime Fragment
- No longer provides over-shield while in Super.
Coldsnap Grenade
- Seeker no longer tracks targets after initial target acquisition.
- Increased arming duration before seeker spawns from 0.3s to 0.8s.
- Reduced detonation radius vs. players from 3m to 1.5m.
- Now bounces off walls and detonates on the ground.
Titan Shiver Strike
- Reduced flight speed and distance.
- Reduced knockback vs. players.
- Removed slow detonation on player impact.

Titan Cryoclasm
- Now requires the Titan to sprint for 1.25s before activation when not in Super.
- Removed cooldown.
Titan Howl of the Storm
- Reduced angle of initial freezing/damage cone.
- Reduced crystal-creation freezing radius.
- Slowed down sequence of crystal formation to allow victims more opportunity to escape.
- Now spawns a small crystal on walls if performed into walls.
Titan Glacial Quake
- Reduced heavy slam vertical freeze range vs. players.
- Reduced damage resistance from 50% to 47%.

Hunter Withering Blade
- Reduced slow duration vs. players from 2.5s to 1.5s.
- Reduced Whisper of Durance slow-duration extension vs. players from 2s to 0.5s.
- Reduced damage vs. players from 65 to 45 (after one bounce reduced further to 30).
- Reduced projectile speed by 10%.
- Reduced tracking after bouncing off a wall.
Hunter Winter’s Shroud
- Reduced slow duration vs. players from 2.5s to 1.5s.
- Reduced Whisper of Durance slow-duration extension vs. players from 2s to 0.5s.
Hunter Touch of Winter
- Coldsnap seeker no longer has increased movement speed or travel distance.
- Coldsnap seeker now spawns a small Stasis crystal on detonation.

Warlock Penumbral Blast
- Reduced tracking and proximity detonation size and tracking vs. players.
- Reduced freeze radius vs. players when impacting the environment from 2.7m to 1.5m
Warlock Iceflare Bolts
- Seeker now only chains once when spawned from a player shatter.
Sandbox Lead Kevin Yanes stated with these nerfs to stasis will have a positive impact on your Crucible experience. The effects of these can changes can only seen once they are live next Thursday.