With Janina Gavankar, the protagonist in the latest narrative of Star Wars Battlefront II, has hosted the reveal of the worldwide release of the game’s official gameplay trailer. As what we all know, and what Janina mentioned, the story in Star Wars Battlefront II will bridge the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.
Janina also cited that it will be “much bigger” and “3 times the content” when it launches this year. There will also be deeper customization of your own loadout and heroes, maps from all eras including Naboo’s Theed and Kashyyk. Armies like the Separatist Super Battle Droids and Clone Troopers brings back the atmosphere of the original Battlefront.
After watching the trailer, this is the Star Wars Battlefront we’ve been waiting for. Content will also be free according to Janina all throughout post-launch — that means no more DLCs — hurray!
We do have a great feeling that Star Wars Battlefront II will be a huge success when it comes out later this year.